Chapter 1

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" Good morning sir I've brought your coffee, is there anything else I you need me to do? " i asked My boss Mr Smith. He is one 9f the most rudest person I've ever met and worse that I'm his personal assistant.

" No Ms Styles you are permitted to take a short break before we start with the meeting preparations! " He says not even daring to look at me which I was glad. I don't often see his eyes but when I do I'm in a lot of trouble.

I nodded and left his office. I went to my office that I shared with Stella the receiptionist , my office was being repaired to suit my comfort, because I am still new in the business I've been working here for just three months

" Isabella, Mr Smith would like to see you." Amanda said quickly going out the office. If Mr Smith sends someone to call me that usually means "You're in trouble Bella"

I stood up from my chair and slowly walked to Mr Smith's office, pausing in front of the door before knocking, the door swang open and an angry Boss stood right in front of me. My heart dropped to my stomach making my breathing heavier, mostly because I was scared. Why did he call me now? We were supposed to prepare for the meeting at one o'clock but it's only eleven o'clock.
Snapping out if my thoughts , Mr Smith gestures for me get inside the office , I did as I was told and took a seat.

" Did I say you may sit ?" He asked and I stood up. " Did I say you should stand up?" I turned around to the questions I was asked , I wish I didn't but my eyes met his angry glare. He had light brown eyes , they look a little gold.

" No sir." I said feeling a little awkward and embarrassed.

He walked to his chair and told me to finally take a seat. He didn't look at me rather his eyes were glued to the laptop infront of him. I say there staring at him make different faces due to the emails he received , I normally do the reading but some days he says he will read them himself.

I looked at the photo on the wall , not that I haven't seen them. I was getting bored of sitting there like a lifeless person staring at her boss read emails. I looked at the photos of Mr Smith's award ceremony, then a little boy with his dog though the boy was in his teenage years , maybe Mr Smith's son or younger brother. I then hear voices , but didn't think it was reality, but if it was I would have thought it was the other employees taking outside the office .

"Ms Styles are you ignoring me in my own office? Ms Styles I bet you don't want to get fired!!!" I could hear someone speaking but it was like he was in my head. I came back to reality and saw Mr Smith so furious looking at me as if to knock me out.

" Im sorry sir what were you saying ?" I said escaping from his glare , I could still feel that his eyes were on me but I tried to ignore that fact.

" Look at me Ms Styles." Oh no did he have to really say that? I had no choice otherwise I would be fired from my job. Which I got less than seven months ago , so I'm still adapting to being scolded eighty percent of my life.

I slowly lifted my head , I stopped at his chest and I saw how heavily he was breathing, he stood up and bangged his fists in the table and walked towards my side of the table. He hovered from behind me spinning my chair around to face him.

" Look at me now!! Ms Styles " he said putting each hand in each end of the chair , which startled me at how violent he was ,

I took a deep breath in and finally looked at him in the eye , and could see how angry he was , then his mouth opened only to be closed again. He shut his eyes trying to calm himself down.
Then I suprisingly saw more pain than anger in his eyes. Which caused me to look away.

" Don't you dare look away! " He exclaimed while walking back to his side of the table , sitting back in his chair.

I was confused with why what happened, happened. It didn't make any sense to me ..why would Mr Smith be angry. Was my coffee bad ? Was there too much sugar or too little sugar?
He finally spoke after a few long minutes.

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