Chapter 12

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A few weeks later

I had to go for an appointment to check up on Emily who was feeling a bit sick, I was so worried about her. She must have eaten something she shouldn't at neseary school.

She had a rash all over her body. I thought maybe it's a measals or chicken pox. And she said it was itchy and hot. I washed her with warm water so that I didn't burn her or freeze her. I am a paranoid mother and I do care about my daughter.
I picked her up and put her in her baby car seat, and I got into the car and drove off.

When we got to the hospital and asked the receiptionist if we could see  Dr Strandford. She looked at me and smiled.

" Ma'am are you sure you don't want to see. Dr Rogers? " She asked and I didn't want to smiled or be rude but why was she asking me about Kyile. I came here 5i see Dr Strandford and that's who I'll see.

" No please. My daughter isn't well she needs to see Dr Strandford." I said picking Emily up and showing Palesa that my baby wasn't okay... that's what her name tag read.

She widened her eyes and quicky called Dr Strandford over the phone.

" Dr Strandford we have an important case here you might wanna to see her. Her name....Uhm...." she hesitated asking for Emily's name.

" Emily Styles" I said

" Emily Styles here , about 1 or 2 years." She said and nodded before hanging up.

" Will he see her?" I was more concerned about my daughter's health more than anything

" Yes in just 10 minutes he is currently busy with another patient. You may wait in the waiting area. Or I can call Dr Rogers?" She said and smiled

" No thanks " I smiled back.

Emily and I went to sit in the waiting area, and saw that other children were sick too and their rashes were worse than Emily's rash. I guess it's a sickness going around to all children. I just hope it's not severe.

" Mama. " Emily said while pulling my shirt

" Yes Miley what's wrong tell mommy..." I looked at her waiting for her to speak

" Miley want eats " She said with her cute little voice.

" What eats does Miley want?"

" She want sandwich."

" Aww... Come let's go buy quick okay."

She got up from the chair and put her arms up in the air gesturing I should pick her up , I picked her up and I walked to the nearest quick stop. I looked for Emily's favorite, chicken mayo sandwich and a grape flavored juice. I don't know if Emily is the only one but she is one of the most healthiest eating child I know of. She loves boiled or fried veggies ,  fruit salad with plain yogurt, banana and chocolate flavored porridge , chicken mayo sandwich , then once in a while she will eat sweets .

I opened the sandwich box for her and broke the sandwich into your smaller pieces so that she can hold it properly. As we were about to sit down the Nurse came .

" Emily Styles?" She said and I waved at her " Dr Strandford wants to see you now."

" Oh thank you" I politely said and followed her to the rooms

I saw Dr Strandford and he smiled at me because he remembers me from a year ago.

" Ms Styles," he said and brought his hand for me to shake , I didn't want to but I just did it anyways.

" Dr Strandford it's nice to see you again." I lied I wasn't happy to see him I was being selfish I wanted him to just check up on my daughter's health and give her the required medication.

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