Chapter 18

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We were up so early, to get ready for two things at once. The party and the flight to the camp. OmG I still did not pack any of my clothes for the camp,

" Emily ! Please come here "

" Yes mom?"

" Uhm did you already take your bath ?"

" Yes"

" Ate breakfast?"

" Yes ?"

" Did you go on the video call with your Dad?"

" Not yet "

" Why don't you want to call him?"

" I do it's just , uhm ,I ..."

" Talk to me "

" Im just not sure , what if he hurts me the way he hurt you? "

" Darling he won't I would kill him...wait  what do you know, did he tell you anything? "

" No uhm , you told me he hurt you and that's why you ran away. "

" Oh yes. But didn't you say you wanted your father close to you ? "

" I did but I am scared. "

" Don't be okay , mommy will be here all the time for her baby okay. "

" I am not a baby MoOM! "

" But you're my baby"

" No mom stop it! "

" Okay I will, now go watch TV while I pack some clothes or do you want to help ? "

" Yea, "

We started packing clothes and we ended up separating old clothes that we don't need to give to orphanages or people who sleep on the streets but we will leave that for when we come back.
Once we were done with packing the clothes I took a shower a wore a simple but pretty dress.

I then packed the snacks in a separate lunch bag.
Emily goes to watch TV, since I was busy trying to straighten my hair.

After a while Emily's tablet starts buzzing. I look at it to see "Dad--💖" I answer the video call.

" Hi are you"

"I'm okay..... Emily Your dad is on the phone!!!" I yell calling for her

" Yes Mom! Im on my way!" She shoots back and enters the room

"Hello princess how are you?"

" Im fine , how are you?"

The conversation continues while I was still straightening my hair.
There were a few laughs and frowns while she was in the phone  then all of a sudden she switches of her loud speaker and talks to him but I couldn't hear anything he said.

Oh well it's none of my business. I thought to myself before unplugging the straightner.

" Okay Emily we are going come on let's go you'll talk to your dad later" I say grabbing my hand bag and the car keys

" Okay Mom, bye Dad." She Said and hung up before he said his goodbyes.

We packed our stuff in the boot and drove off. I fetched Cassandra and Leandro from thier houses then we went to the airport. As we were going on the plane I was surprised to see Matthew also going in. I fought against asking he must coming for his daughter or Cassandra??

I make a head count before sitting down and getting relaxed. I was happy we were all there. I looked on my left side to see Matthew was sitting opposite us. He smiled at me but I just looked away.
'i know I know!! Why am I being hard on him??' I have a million reasons to be hard on him!!!

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