Chapter 6

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When I woke up in the morning Matthew wasn't in the house and he unlocked the door to his room. I already told all the employees about what happened two weeks ago and a few more days after the incident. Yes he did it again. My body has been hurt for the second time, I hate being here. I need to get out of here. They all felt sorry for me and said they would help get out of here as soon as possible.

I packed all nessesary clothes and shoes in my bag. Then took some food with me, took my credit card , I left the phone thinking maybe it had a tracker in it. I didn't even take a shower I was so desperate to get out of this area.
Once I was done with everything I said goodbye to all the employees and told them how much they meant to me in the past 6 months and now I wouldn't be free if it wasn't for them.
They all hugged me and called a cab , I left all my bad and good memories, but I wanted to leave the bad memories and never come back.

I arrived in town and paid the cab. I went to purchase a new phone and call up Christina and tell her everything that happened when she wasn't there.

" Hi Chrissy it's Bella. Uhm. I need your help." I said with a hesitating tone.

" Bella is everything okay?"  She asked

" Nope, pleasure come fetch me from town near. THE FIX. " I said almost crying.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I'm not around but I will be there in no time, is it something I need to worry about?" She asked and nodded, even though she can't see me

" Yes."

She hung up. I waited there for about thirty minutes, with alot of men passing by me and giving me a bedroom eye , as if they could see me naked. I was really scared and anxious because now I knew what men do to women.

I finally saw Christina walking twords me , she came closer and gave me a hug.

" Ouch!" I said out of pain , gosh I didn't want her to worry.

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing to worry about, come let's go somewhere safer I'll tell you there "

We walked to her car , We drove for about two hours listening to music and singing along. Then she told me about her new job and go much money she gets per week , she told me about her boyfriend Kyile they have been together for now three years. We stopped for some ice cream and the toilet. I was hungry so we got something to eat .

After a good minutes we went to a beautiful house it must be Christina's. It was big and beautiful it had beautiful decorations and it was neat. I stood there admiring the place till Christina told me to take a seat. I sat down and felt a little dizzy and nauseous.
Christina saw and directed me to the bathroom.

" Are you okay?" She asked and I shrugged

" I don't know maybe it is change if environment ? " I said which made more sense.

" Listen to me okay. I will not force you to speak , but I just want you to know that I am here for you. You can stay with me until you are able to get on your own feet okay , mentally and physically..."

" Thank you. Chrissy"

" Oh shit , I need to go back to the office before my boss gets worried. You can make yourself at home while I'm out. " She said and ran out the door

I didn't know what to do so I just. Went through my new phone and download a few songs , Candy Soda Crush , WhatsApp, and instagram. I has to restart all my accounts since I don't want Matthew to find me. I was happy I knew Victoria's number off by head , so I called her and told her it was me. She was so worried about me. Because when I was kidnapped she saw everything going on. I cried a littlemore before telling her that I was okay. I didn't mention the rape and abuse part.

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