Chapter 17

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My phone rang several times but I wasn't ready to answer it or let me rather say I did not want to answer it , I was extremely tired, Emily made me stay up late last night talking about tv shows and how her day goes at school. And most because the party ended at around 22:21pm so it was pretty late.

I eventually got up and answered my phone. I don't know who it was but the person hung up just as I said 'hello' must be some random person tryna pull a prank call on me. I just woke Emily up and to my surprise she woke up and went to run her own bath and tied he hair into a high ponytail. I was able to shower while she was eating breakfast. I felt so happy because today wasn't a struggle to get her out of bed. I really do miss my mom, I just wish he didn't pass away , I would have had her by my side helping me raise Emily and being there for me. I decided to wash my hair even though I knew that my bush would take long to dry. But it was okay I had the rest of the morning to do that. Maybe I'll even try to straighten it.

                        ❤️EMILY POV ❤️

Last night my Mom told me about my father, which is her bad boss. I was excited but nervous at once, because what if he doesn't want to see me or he isn't a good man, though mom told me everything is going to be fine , I'll think positive and everything will work out okay.
Today I woke exactly as mom woke me up, no complaint about waking up because it's the last day of school and I am going on vacation with Cassy , Leo and Mom. I am excited about that mostly because I won't have to wake up so early to go to school. And tomorrow is Blake's birthday she is going to have a party bigger than mommy's.

I was eating breakfast when Mom was showering, then once I was done eating I sat and watched hannah montana on my ipad, because I was waiting for mom to finish with everything.

" Emily!" Mom shouted

" Yes Mom, I am coming !" I said running to moms bedroom.

" Come let me fix your hair."  Mom said pulling my hair into different directions just to make a simple ponytail.
" Did you eat breakfast?"

" Yes I did"

" You ate all of it right ?"

" Yes all finished and nothing wasted."

" Good girl. Now go but your teeth and wear your shoes okay ?"

" Yes ma'am" i said and went to brush my teeth.

Mom wore the dress Uncle Victor bought her and beautiful shoes then she put on the necklace I made for her when I was still in preschool. She loved it so much , she said it makes her feel closer to me. It's not a macaroni necklace, this one we used the jewelry.
When I was done putting my shoes on mom took my bag and her bag and we went to the car. Mom kissed my forehead and put my seatbelt on and went to her side.
We fetched Leo then we went to fetch Cassy. We all three sat at the back like always. We talked about our lunches and how fun the party was yesterday.

Mom arrived at school and let us out. Giving all of us a kiss on our forehead.

" Bye Mom see you later!" I said while entering the school gate.

" Bye Baby!" Mom said waving, though she knows I don't like being called baby I am not a baby.

" I am not a baby!!"

" Sorry, bye hun" mom said giving me a hair kiss.

I got in the school and Jessica came to me and started telling me I a still a baby. Jessica is a bully she always tells me that I will never be smart and will not have a dad, but she doesn't know my dad is still alive and I won't tell her until I see him. Jessica is so mean even ti Gloria and Cassy , Leo knows how to fight so he fights with her all the time and he gets in trouble with Miss Sarah.

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