Chapter 19

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POV Matthew

I watch Isabella walking back to sit down and she was pissed at me. I really don't care right now. She has to be careful and stop entertaining strangers!!
Okay fine I am jealous, I still love her with my whole heart I can't see her with another man of it isn't me.
She looks at me and quickly tests her head and falls asleep. It was better that way.

I look on my right side and the children are sound fully sleeping. Emily looks like her mother while sleeping and it the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I am proud of what I have made.
I know I've mistreated Isabella before. And it was wrong of me to do that. I just don't know how to treat women. My dad wasn't around to teach me all the necessary things , my mother was a drunkard I had responsibly from a young age.

I was taught to be hard on people and to be emotionless. I should have not kidnapped her and shouldn't have forced myself into her. I should have not misbehaved with her in the office while she worked for me.
You're a hot mess Matthew!
The pilot finally made an announcement that no one should get out of their seats since we were about to land.

I looked at Isabella and she was awake. Looking furious but she looked so beautiful to me. All I saw was a beautiful mad women.

"Psst!" I try calling her she doesn't even look at me.

" Isabella!"


" Don't talk to me!" She says not even looking my way.

" So you are angry over swaping seats?"

She ignores me. And just closes her eyes again, Damn Angry Isabella is a huge turn on. Stop it bastard! Control yourself. I yell at myself

I look out the window and could see that we were closer to the ground. I wake the children up. Emily was surprised to see me. But she frowned.

" Where is my mom?" She asked and she looked furious. That is really odd, why was she all of a sudden angry?

" Don't worry she is there in my seat" I try to say

Emily gets up and goes to her mom's lap and try just cuddle till the anger was gone. I looked at both of them and how cute they looked. Imagine that as my family, beautiful full of love.

I see people starting to stand up and taking their luggages Isabella and I went back to our spaces and took our belongings. She waited for people to clear before going with the children. I look at my luggage and there was something missing. I looked everywhere I looked in other people's cabinets.
Oh Shit!!! I am glad I found it. Once I looked back Isabella and the kids were gone. I rush out the plane but I guess I was too late.

I looked around and there was no sign of them.
I call Alex my driver to come fetch me. I waited for less than 10 minutes and he was here. I get into the car and he drove off. I first went to check My other office if everyone was doing their respective jobs.  I have three companies and all are in different areas.

I walk into the office and I was happy to see they were all doing work properly and no one was slacking off. I checked the statics about my business and it gradually increase with a profit of 50%. I am happy.

I walk around to see if all employees have renewed thier employee Badges. It has to be renewed ever 6 months because we recruite member almost every month. And we do a lot of staff turn over.

I go into the Management office where the HR department is. And asked if any new employees were recruited.

" Yes Sir about 104 this past 3 months."

" That's good right?" I asked

" Yes sir the unemployment rate had decreased over the passed 7 months while you were away. And more people are being employed, we also need a cook since normal restaurant dood is expensive"

" Well geta cook.... Thier pay shouldn't be less than 1OK am I clear ? "

" Yes Sir. "

I walked out of the office and went to my house where my mother was sleeping on the couch.

" Matt!? " My sister said while running to give me a hug.

" Good Day Zoey"

" My name is not Zoey!!! "

" Linda? "

" Stop playing tricks with me you bastard! "

" How dare you Tiffany and disrespect me like that? "

" Just tell me you Forgot my name, I'll accept it and disown you."

" Rebecca! How could I forget your name ? "

" Because everytime you come you seem to give me a different name. "

" Shit up where is Jamie? "

" Matthew you're such a bitch you know that ? His name is James! "

" Oh yeah him where is he ? "

" He went out not so long ago. "

" Does he still have how's? "

" Yes everyday is a new one! "

" Rebecca don't talk about your uncle like that " my mother said.

" Mom it's true though. "

" Don't you have college now? " She asked

Rebecca just stormed ti her room and came back with her bad and her car keys.

" Bye dickhead" she says with a wink to me.

My sister is something else. She always looks so happy, I love seeing her happy. She is my only sibling and it has been like that forever.
Then we get my uncle , the male whore and a drunkard like his sister. But at least he knows how to control himself while drunk. Unlike my mom who blabbers nonsense and hurtful words.

" Mr Smith?" My mom says

" Mother?"

We always had this formal way of talking to each other... I don't see my mom as a mother because a mother wouldn't force her child to work at the age of 11 and she wouldn't abuse her daughter go no reason , she would have stopped drinking and smoking weed like a dumb teenager.

" So you still have not made it to the top Entrepreneurs Award??"

" No not yet. Though the unemployment rate is decreasing gradually and the profit rate is 50% more. "

" I am happy for you" she says but no emotions were showed , I didn't expect a smile either ways.

I nodded and went to my room. It was clean and the bed sheets were Changed. I knew only Rebecca would do that, she always tells me 'bed sheets should be changed twice a month!'

I look around my room and it's so beautifully neat and it had a new sweet scent.
I take a shower and throw myself in the bed. And take a small nap.


How was this chapter, I hope you liked it. Matthew's POVs will be added frequently...

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