Chapter 29

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Hey guys sorry,but this chapter is going to be really short.

" Okay now can we go have fun still?" I said going out of his arms

" No problem. "  He said and standing up looking at me with a smile on his face.

The same smile that I used to hate. Is now the most beautiful smile ever.

I stood up and gave him another hug.
I don't know what I was feeling... I felt happy and fearful at once.
I don't know if I should give this another try. I don't trust him as much but I have these strange feelings for him. The warmth of my heart when he said those confessions, that he cares about Emily and I. That he tried all he could to change for me. Not knowing he had a daughter! He also changed for her too.

Must I be happy? Or Be scared je might be trapping me again. But his face the emotions, his heart pounding, the love he expressed, changing, trying to be better he cried! This can't be fake! I hope not!

" Love?" A voice said snapping me out my thoughts.

It was Matthew.

" Are you okay? " He asked with a concerned face.

" Yes! Did I zone out?" I asked knowing well I did

" Yea. I called you a few times ." He said holding me in his arms again.

See that! That's exactly what I mean, the care , the concern, facial expression!!

" I don't need to change anymore. Can we just stay in?" I'm asked looking up to meet his eyes

" Yes no problem. But you can't be in a suit all day. I will wait for you in the living room with some popcorn made and something to keep us warm."

" Sure! Netflix right? " I asked giving him a smile as he approached the door.

" Of course. You'll choose the movie okay!" He said we both chuckled and he left.

" Bella... Are you happy? Will you be happy? Do you want this?  " I asked myself out loud.

I looked myself in he mirror. A small voice telling me to listen to my heart.

What does my heat want either ways?
What do I want?


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