Chapter 25

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After a few weeks of the girls going to therapy sessions everything seems a bit better. Emily controls her anger and Cassy is more open about stuff that happens around her. She has also learnt to make a sound when she is panicked or distressed about anything. She frequently makes the sound at night when she is about to sleep. I think she must be dreaming about that boy again. And I don't know how to control her dreams. But I am sure a smart doctor can do such.

It was morning and I was now free to go to work since I took Dylan to a day care for children with rare medical conditions. So they would know what to do when he gets his fits. I call them frequently just to check if he is still okay. He usually gets fits if he is stressed about something, even when his diaper has been for a while.

People are happy to see me back at the office and it's kind of nice to be boss. But I don't abuse my workers. I need my own PA now and a manager internally recruited.

I then caught up with office gossip. I was glad people respected me were also happy that I would be their boss until The Children were 18.

The top gossip was that Lydia some marketing manager was pregnant with quadruplets. I mean we should be happy for her, but the issue is that she was sleeping around with many guys. So now she doesn't know the father , and none of the guys want to give her DNA.

The other gossip is me and Matthew people say we had a child together. I mean it's true but they are talking about Dylan. There was even a photo shopped video of us taking selfies together and whatnot.

I just can't believe rumors have to be the main concerntration at work.

Layer that day I was called to the board room. Apparently there was a meeting. How did Matthew not tell me about it.
I walked to the board room so angry because I wasn't ready for a meeting.

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone shouted.

Oh gosh I got such a fright. What!?? The.

" Welcome back to the office Ma'am." Some guy said. Oh shoot I don't even know my employees.

" Thank you so much, everyone." I said still trying to catch my Breath

" So Miss Boss Tell us how was your vacation?" Tiara asked
Actually I saw her name tag.

" It wasn't really a vacation for me, it was an emotional and very painful time for me. So I couldn't come to work or do anything but stress and look after 4 people. I really wish everything didn't happen in this way or even another way. It should have waited for 18 years. "

" Oh ma'am we understand what you must be going through. " The guy said again.

" Thank you" I smiled

We ate some cake and a small snack. People opened a small conversation which was alive for a while. We talked about how the business is going to be managed without a manager. I obviously told them about me recruiting they should send me their CVs and every other documentation needed.

The guy I didn't know his name was excited.

" Oh can someone please find me a PA. I can't PA myself y'all know. It would be great to see what y'all got."

" Yes ma'am"

" Oh yes please do look for new business ideas that can make our business go high."

" Awesome a boss that lets us participate in coming up with business ideas."

"Ma'am do you remember the campaign that you made about giving underprivileged people food?" The guy said

" Yes  I do.? '

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