Chapter 2

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It has been five days since the incident in Mr Smith's office , and once did I mention it to anyone or or confront Mr Smith about it. I would make sure I wasn't alone with him for too long. I gave him his coffee faster than usual. And would call him to ask for anything rather than going to him. I barely see him because I'm avoiding him. Unless there were meetings or anything that wouldn't cause me to be alone with him in his office.

This was the weekend I scheduled to go out with my friends, to catch up and have a little fun. It has been three years since we left college and all we do is talk over Skype or meet once in a while. I always wanted to be a Personal Assistant but Mr Smith was making it hard for me. my former boss was kinder than Mr Smith and cared about my health. I had to leave because his business got shut down once he passed away last year September and he had no children to inherit it so it was closed down until they found someone who buy it and operate it , a lot of people list their jobs.
Back to reality.

Once I was done with all my work at the office I submitted it to Mr Smith and went out his office real fast. I got home and took a shower and wore one of my most beautiful dresses... It was a navy blue party dress and which showed my curves and it was thigh length. I put on a nude lipstick and mascara, then picked out heels to go with the dress.
I looked myself in the mirror and was happy with the women I was seeing.
I got into my car and drove to the night club. It seemed a little full but I'm sure I will be fun. I walked in and heard a familiar loud voice calling me from the crowd.

" ISABELLA!!"  Victor said my best male friend. He was with his twin sister Victoria .

They ran to me and squeezed all my energy out, I was happy to see them so happy. We started by sitting with a few drinks and talking about how our lives have been. While talking Jack and Xander came in and lifted my mood. I was happy to see them too , they have changed in three years. After a few minutes Leah came in and ran to us screaming with so much enthusiasm. We talked more and filled in each other with out current lives , how our bosses are or our jobs, after an hour of talking we decided to all dance , it was if this was planned as we stepped on the dance floor Leah , Victoria and my favorite song came up, we danced like crazy and sang along to the lyrics with our drunk voices.

            Drunk Isabella's POV

We danced fir a good 30 minutes then sat down to let the alcohol in.
I took a few more drinks and I was gone.
I danced more than all the other people and shouted loud as if to song along to the lyrics. I then calmed down and started crying , I started telling my friends about how my boss was so rude, ruthless , and emotionless. We all laughed and I leaned on Xanders shoulder laughing and coming out tears.
All of a sudden I felt my arm being pulled and dragged out the club.
I could hear Leah and Victoria tell the person to stop pulling or she would call the police.

" Call the fire arm rather." He said and shut all my friends up.

I already knew who it was by the sound of his voice. Mr Smith.
I now started pulling away and struggling to free my arms from his tight grip.

" You're hurting me! Let go of me " I said hoping he would but didn't. We reached the parking lot. He instructed his driver to take my car and he would take me alone with him.

As he was forcing me into his car I kinda kicked him on his face leaving a scar with my heel on the corner of his lips. Next moment I was being chased by an angry Boss , who caught up to me and threw me in the car , following in with me. He started the car and drove off. We got to his big house (mansion)  he helped me out the car , forcing me to walk , but stubborn me sat on the floor. For what ? Still not determined. He picked me up and walked into the door. I looked up and saw my car come in the drive way.

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