Chapter 15

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It has been three months that's Matthew has been working with Mr Brown's company and we have been making a beneficial profit. The workers and employees got 10% increase in their salaries.
Mr Brown had more time to spend with his Wife and children. Mrs Brown gave both to a boy named after his grandfather... Samuel. Sam is a cute baby and had lovely blue eyes like his mother. Cassandra had green like her father's.

Emily hasn't asked me about her father again , but I knew I couldn't avoid it forever so I decided to tell Her who her father was. All I did was tell her his name not who he really was , that had to wait till I was sure he would be a good father.
I asked him questions about children and how he would feel if he had children. All his answers were great . I asked him how Mr Brown and him were related... He said they were college friends.

James and Blanche gave birth to twins both girls Danica and Diana.
Victoria and Liam were engaged . Victor and Stanley we're also engaged. The twins planed get engaged and married at the same time which was super cute.

I went to the office after dropping Emily , Leandro and Cassandra at school. Emily still didn't like school , because her peers would talk about thier father's while she only knows her father's name and not identity. I told her I would bri g her father to her and I had to.
I walked to Matthew's office with a lot of anxiety and fear he might act out bad after I tell him tht Emily is his daughter.
I knocked on the door three times before he said I should  come in .

" Ms Styles... please come in..." He said standing up to show respect.

" Hi. " I said and looked at him before sitting in the chair

" What wrong you look scared?"

" I need to tell you something..."

" Okay I'm listening."

" But I need you to co-operate with me here because I am taking a lot of guts to say this. "

" Yes I will..."

" Seven years ago... When I ran away ?"

" Yes I remember..."

" You had abused me a lot , and that's why I had to run away... You treated me like I wasn't"

" Take your time. Breathe."

" You raped me twice.."

" I know , I was sexually frustrated and you didn't want to give me what I needed..."

" You should have given me time to get comfortable with you... What would you have expected, you kidnap me and I give everything to you ?"

" No. But__"

" I am still talking.! When I got to this area. I was sick every morning and puked a lot. Christina thought I was pregnant and took me to check up. And get a pregnancy test. Which I was positive, I was pregnant. I would have done an abortion , but I though I would give the child a second chance the way my mother gave me a second chance. "

" Then what happened to the child.?"

" I kept them. After 6 months I gave birth.  They were premature babies."

" Did they survive?"

" One did the other didn't. His name would have been Dylan... He passed away in his birthday , he looked exactly like you."

" How did that happen?"

" I was in 10 hours of labour giving birth to him. I thought he was the only child so I became sad , but the doctor said there was another one coming. I was so happy. Though knew the circumstances the baby was made in. "

" I would have had children?"

" Let me finish my story okay! If you interrupt one more time I am leaving"

" Okay. Tell me."

" Emily was born... As Dylan's twin... You must have realized she has resembles of you ? "

" Yes! I was correct! "

" What!? You knew this whole time and you didn't ask about it ?"

" I did... I asked Emiky last week who father was . She told me she hasn't met him but knows his name was mine. And the first time I met her I thought I was looking at my mother combined with you and me. "

" And... "

" Can I...? "

" Can you what? "

" Have the right to be her father? "

" I mean... I wouldn't have told you if that wasn't the case. Other children talk about thier father's and what they do , what they buy for their kids and Emily doesn't have any story to tell about her father... "

" Oh shit... I am sorry. "

" But don't expect anything from me. I just want to see my daughter happy. She will sleep at your place three times a week , and the rest at mine. The weekends are mine. Mondays , Tuesdays and  Wednesdays are your days. Where she will be your responsibility. Matthew Smith if anything goes wrong with my daughter and if you dare make her sad or cry or she is unhappy I'll sue you. "

" Relax... I got this. What time does she come out ? "

" Leah will bring her along with Cassandra and Leandro... Today they are having a play date since it's Friday and there's no school tomorrow. "

" Okay , but can I tell her today ? "

" No I will tell her myself. "

" Can I be there ? "

" Fine. Don't mess this up or else___"

" Isabella Styles you need to calm down"

" Boss mode? Okay sir I'll take my leave."

I get up from my current place and leave , I went to my office and started doing my work.

As I was doing my work. The girls come running inside the office.

" HI Mom!" Emily says while giving me a quick hug.

" Hi Aunty Bella." Cassandra says throwing her bag on the floor.

" Bye Mom!"

" Bye Aunty Bella."

Both the girls run out my office. I was wondering what was happening so I followed them.  I saw them get back into Leah's car. She waved and mouthed the word ice cream. I nodded and went back inside , to complete sending emails and setting new schedules for Mr Brown.

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