Chapter 9

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I woke up in the morning to see my baby gone from my arms , I was panicking what if someone has stolen her. I looked to the bed she was on and I was happy to see her. I got up and walked to her to give her a gentle kiss in her forehead before going to the bathroom.
I looked myself in the mirror and asked myself what would I do if one day my child asked about her father. Mommy where is my father?
This question would probably hurt more than any other question. I asked myself how would I tell her that her twin brother didn't make it to the world? Will Emily love me like any other child loves their parents? Will I be great mother ?

I quickly pushed those thoughts away and used the bathroom and left. Dr Moodly came with another doctor with her, while I was about to lay back down on the bed.

" Good Morning Ms Styles how are you feeling today?" Dr Moodly asked with a bright smile on her face.

" I am good no complaints." I said

" Are there any pains in between your legs?" She asked and I instantly felt awkward

" Yes but it isn't too bad I can move my legs properly. " I said with a smile

" That's Superb now this is Dr Strandford and he will be Emily's doctor when ever she is sick or anything else happens." Dr Moodly said and I looked at Dr Strandford and nodded

" Great. I will discharge you today. Emily is perfectly fine you can feed her your breast milk till she is 9 months old and you can take her home with you she is so healthy. But if anything seems off you should bring her to the hospital ASAP!" Dr Strandford said

" Oh okay. Tht great news. Uhm can I take Dylan with me and have funeral for him ?" I asked.

" Oh yes you may we have just put him in the moture last night. We will pay for his funeral cover. " Dr Moodly said

" Oh that's a thing ? Hospitals helps burry past on people?"  I asked

" We only do that for children under the age of 5 especially children who never got to see what the world looks like." Dr Moodly said and then walked out. 

I took a hot bath since there was no shower. When I was finished bathing I called Christina to bring me clothes because I was being discharged today. The nurse washed Emily and dressed her in the hospitals brand baby clothes.
I waited for Christina to come. She came with Blanche. I quickly changed and told the nurse I was ready to go.

As a gift from the hospital, I got two milk baby bottles for Emily, there pair of clothes with pretty images, baby schedule planner , and I also got a nice bag. They were all pretty.
The nurse helped me and the baby to the car.
Christina thanked her and we left. On the way home we listened to some music and singing along to it softly not to wake up Emily.

When we arrived at home I was surprised to find it beautifully decorated with baby and mommy things. It was a welcome home surprise party for Emily. There were loads of gifts for Emily waiting to be opened. We first ate food then dessert.
One we were finished eating I unwrapped all the gifts.

From Leah: there was a huge  box of diapers

From Victoria: there were so many beautiful baby clothes

From Jack and Victor : they out money together to by a pram and toys

From Xander: he bought a large packet of baby liquid food.

From Blanche , James and Kyile : they bought a lot of bottles, containers, spoons , and bowls

From Christina: she bought Emily a car. Not a toy car a real car for children. She will mostly probably dive this when she is 2-7 depending on how she grows.

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