Chapter 30

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It has been a four months since Matthew and I have spoken about what he has confessed to me. I've been thinking about my decision for since then.
Yes I did tell him to give me some time to think about it.  We took things slowly he was patient with me. He showed me a different version of himself everyday. Still going to therapy and counseling to help him out of the PTSD his father left him with. Taking his mom and sister with.

I asked myself everyday what I really saw for us in the future. I didn't want to seem selfish to take my daughter away and chicken out because I wasn't sure. I also asked Emily what she wanted. I couldn't leave Dylan or Cassandra alone. I couldn't leave my friends behind they were there for me for years others since highschool others since day one others for as long as I worked for Mr Smith.

I couldn't leave a life I built alone.

I thought about it more deeper and made sure I was using the right mind. I asked for advice from my friends and a few social media people. Some say I should others say no. My friend say whatever I do I should listen to my heart and they'll always be there for me...

I really listen to my heart. The heart beats I get when I think about him , when he is close to me , when he shows love and care. Him introducing me to his family. Even though it was over Skype it was amazing! We were slowly becoming closer.

My heart was telling me to choose happiness and love. As I was already successful and had all the luxury I could ever want. I had three beautiful children and a loving situationship. I did want to be with Matthew and live happily with our children and grow more together as shareholders and a couple. As a family.

I look at him and smile everyday, he plays more with the kids and Dylan has grown very nicely he is crawling. But it's growth. I remember when Emily was that small. I was filled with joy. I could say that They all came as a chance in life telling me that there is good.

This is what Destiny Jason hand for me.
To be I love and happy. Successful and Blessed with children.

Destiny is so wonderful. You can never know what it has in hand for you.

~Present Day~

" Babes!" (Jenner) Matthew's mother called out.

" Yes Mom." I said looking up to her.

" Are you ready?" She asked fixing my gown.

I looked her in the eyes. A smile appearing in my face and tears forming, though pushing them back.

I nodded looking at my bouquet.
Yes that's true I'm getting married to the love of my life. The same man that made my life hell for 6 months. And made my life heaven for 10 months.
Showing me he changed, showing me he loved me , everyday giving me a different reason why we belonged together.

Matthew Smith I love you and you don't know it.

" Let's go then can't keep a man waiting." Matthew's mother said and winked making me blush and laugh.

I held in tight to my bouquet and stood up from my chair. Fixing my posture and walking with her out the door.

Outside all my friends waited for me to walk me down the isle as one. Emily waiting patiently with her dad for me to come. Though they couldn't see me. Tears formed in my eyes again when I saw Dylan and Cassandra also waiting for me...

" Don't cry yet Darling!" Victor said kissing my forehead.

" Please you can't ruin your make up before he even sees how beautiful you look!" Leah said patting my eyes with a tissue paper so that the tears don't roll down and smudge my make up.

" Smile!" Christina said taking a photo

Blaze and James laughing at how I was been babied.

" Girl! You're stunning! " Victoria said also snapping a photo.

" Ladies and gentlemen can we focus!" Jenner said fixing my dress.

The song started. Matthew looked at the door, waiting for me to appear.

'Here comes the bride. Here comes the bride...." The choir started singing when the doors swang open for me to walk.

I walked slowly down the isle with my friends by my side. I looked at Matthew who had tears in his eyes. His hands went to his face.

" Fuck!" He said as a tear ran down his face and he quickly wiped it away..

" God Bella you're so beautiful!" He said holding himself from crying.

" Dad language!" Emily said and everyone laughing." But mom you look like an angle!"

" Yes Mom you do!" Cassandra said

And Dylan being himself laughing with joy.

My heart warmed with excitement when the music stopped and I stood infront of Matti looking at him as he wiped away a few more tears.

" We are here to celebrate and untie Matthew Smith and Isabella Styles as husband and wife." That Priest stared

" This couple confess they started in bad terms. And we're separate for 7 years. They were brought together by fate. Now they stand here ready to say their vows and start a better and beautiful life together with their three children. " He looked at the children.

" Emily Styles Smith, Cassandra Brown and Dylan Brown. Well I'm that case is there any one who has an objection with this relationship? Speak now or forever hold your peace."


" Rings!" The Priest said

Cassandra gave us the rings.

" Wonderful! The vows"

" Do you Matthew Smith take Isabella Styles to be your lawfully wedded wife. To love her ,care for her , protect her, be faithful and live with honestly and peace. ?" He asked looking at Matthew.

" I Do." Matthew said looking at me with a smile and put the ring on my left ring finger.

" Do you Isabella Styles take Matthew Smith to be your lawfully wedded husband. To love him ,care for him , be faithful and live with honestly and peace. ?" He asked looking at Me

" I Do." I said looking at Matthew as tears started to form and easily rolling down my cheeks as I put the ring on his finger.

" I now pronounce you husband and wife. Till death do you apart." The priest said.

Everyone Chanted and celebrated.

" You may now kiss the bride!"

Matthew didn't even wait he grabbed me by the waist and kissed me passionately.

" Eww" I heard the girls shout."

I kissed him back allowing him to make me feel at home.

I loved this . This is what I wanted.
This is what I got.

I looked at everyone laughing and joyously dancing when the music came on. Children running around having fun. Friends finally all happy so was I.
Matthew right here with me smiling and filled with joy. His mother crying happily. His sister being flirted with and looking happy.

My daughter's having fun.
Dylan peacefully sitting on my lap.

Everything was perfect.
This was my Destiny.


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