Unexpected Favour

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"Bo... Yi... Bo.." murmur Xiao Zhan in his sleep as he slightly tosses around in his bed.

"Nǐ zhège húndàn (You bastard) Yibo!" said Xiao Sean as he woke up from his sleep in frantic as he tries to calm his beating heart down.

"Shit! Why him?!" asked Xiao Sean to himself as he frustrated with the same dreams that occur for the past few interval days but his thought was interfered with by his alarm as it ringed loudly.

Xiao Sean then gets up from his bed then make his bed before he head over to his bathroom.

"Yúchǔn de mèngxiǎng (stupid dream)! Arghh.." scream Xiao Sean as he in the middle taking shower before he quickly let the water pour down on his head freely trying to wash away the frustration that builds inside him.

After a hot shower, Xiao Sean gets change then head downstairs for his breakfast before he head over to his workplace.

"Xiao Sean, wake up. You need to bury your old memory for you and your daughter's sake. He's an old story that you don't need to remember or acknowledge. Now Sean, jiā yóu (cheer up)" said Xiao Sean, trying to pep talk himself as he parks his car at the staff car parking lot at his workplace.

With a light heart and light steps, Xiao Sean walks inside the building then straight over to his level before he head over to the dressing room and change his attire to a proper working attire.

"Morning Sean," said Will as he changes into his work attire.

"Morning Will, just arrived?" asked Xiao Sean as he changes too.

"Nah bro, just finished doing my report and now I have to replace shift with Janet," said Will as he quickly changes to match Xiao Sean's speed.

"How is Janet's father?" asked Xiao Sean as they both walk out from the dressing room area.

"Getting better now. Just that today is the day she needed to check him out together with her mother that's why I take her place" said Will as they both walk over to the lift area.

"That's good to know that he recovers fast. Anyway, this is my stop, talk to you later. Bye Will" said Xiao Sean as he exits the lift and head over to the reception desk.

"Morning" greet Xiao Sean as he arrived at the reception desk.

"Morning Dr Sean" greet back the nurses that were station on the reception desk.

"How are you all today?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks through the medical record of the patient.

"We're fine", "Good Doc", "All Good Doc" greet back a series of answers from the friendly nurses.

"Nurse, is this all the one that needed my attention?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks at the series of medical records.

"Wait Doc, not all of that just a couple. Please wait a minute Doc. Ah, here it is" said one of the nurse as she hand over the emergency medical records.

"Doctor Sean. Thank God I found you here. Doctor Vera is calling for you" said the nurse who hanged the phone down.

"Okay then, thank you," said Xiao Sean as he walks away from that place.

---- ---- ---- ----


"Come in" answer Doc Vera as she busy analyse the X-Ray.

"Doc, you call for me?" asked Xiao Sean as he walks inside the room slowly open the door then close the door.

"Oh yes Sean, please sit," said Doc Vera as she smiles at Xiao Sean.

"Sean, I'll just cut to the chase here. I need your help, a big favour at that" said Doc Vera as she looks at Xiao Sean directly.

"Yes, what is it, Vera? Are you okay? Is everything okay? I will try my best to help and you know that" reply Xiao Sean as he leans forward worried about his friend who looks tired with massive panda eyes.

"Everything okay, fine Sean, of course I know you will help me but now I just need you to help me with the 4 months exchange programme. Remember the programme that you suggested when you are still in your third year of medical student here?" asked Doc Vera.

"Isn't that program was supposed to be like lasted for 6 years only? Why to extend it up to 10?" asked Xiao Sean back looking at her.

"Well here's the thing, this programme was supposed to be stopped last 4 years ago but because of the high demand on the exchange programme so they decided to continue for two more years after that stop but due to our newly appointed director he extends another year like a bonus then he hands it over to me to close the programme but because of a documentation mishap happen, this programme extended for another 1 years in which this is the last year and last exchange programme that we will do" explain Doc Vera as she slowly pulls out a series of papers and lay it out in front of her for Xiao Sean to see.

"So we thought of sending you there as a senior Doctor together with 3 other doctors who could teach and pass down knowledge to the student there just for 4 months. Please, Sean. If I'm still single and doesn't have any baggage with me I would go without a doubt, but now I have kids here who need my attention and also I can not just leave everything behind. Besides it's been like few years since you go back to your home town so why not you take this opportunity and go back for 4 months while working there and teach the young ones. Please, Sean, close this programme for us" said Doc Vera as she gives him her puppy eyes.

"I don't think that this is necessary.." said Xiao Sean trying to avoid it while looking elsewhere besides Vera.

"Please Sean~ my best friend, my babe since the first week of entering university" plead Doc Vera.

"Fine, but I have a condition. First, I got to come back here any time that I want if I want to quit. Secondly, just 4 months and that's all okay no extended days or months or years" said Xiao Sean as he lay out his condition.

"Deal and deal. Yes to your first and second condition in just 4 months that's all," said Doc Vera as she quickly types on her computer.

As she finished type on her computer, the printer behind her started to make the noise of printing as the A4 white blank paper print out in full words.

"Here. Just sign here. Here. And here" said Doc Vera as she pointed places that needed to be signed.

"Let me read through it first babe," said Xiao Sean as he quickly skimming through the paper reading it rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material before he signs it.

"Here," said Xiao Sean as he hands over the paper to Doc Vera who was delighted and overly happy.

"Thank you so much, Sean, you are an angel," said Doc Vera as she quickly put the paper together with the other documentation of Xiao Sean for processing.

"It's that all Vera?" asked Xiao Sean.

"Yes Sean, that's all. You can do your work now and tomorrow please come to my office and the papers that contain the details of the programme" said Doc Vera as she smiles her gigawatt smile.

"Okay then, have a good day and get some sleep babe. You look like a walking dead omega in this room" said Xiao Sean as he stands up and walks towards the door.

"Jeez okay, grandpa" replies Dr Vera as she smirks then wave goodbye at Xiao Sean.

After waving back to his friend, Xiao Zhan exit the room, head over to the nearby toilet, get inside the last empty cubicle toilet, close its lid, seat on it, close his eyes while a series of silently curses being said by him before he takes a few deep breaths and continues his daily routine at the hospital trying to busy himself and think nothing of the programme that he suggested.

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