Going Home

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Almost the whole night, Xiao Sean up reading the diary, lines bylines, page by pages up till the end of the diary where he fully understands why and what had happened to both of his best friend and her husband.

He couldn't help but cry for them and knowing the facts that his best friend, Dema's mate, Liam, his parents forbidden their reunion that drives them mad and up to accidentally kill them while trying to separate them both and their twins which makes the whole situation out of hand.

And the most important part is that his daughter, Nova, has a twin brother out there who he didn't know where he is, which makes him eager to go back home and search for her twin brother to reunite them and give him a warm beautiful full of love home together with his twin sister.

After reading the diary, Xiao Zhan couldn't wait any longer as he grabs his phone, message the other three doctors that will accompany him to Canea, Kainary City to meet him at Meeting Room 4 for briefing before they hit the road in 3 days time.

That morning, after sending Nova to school he immediately went over to Dr Vera's office and get the official documents that he needed to bring with him for the 4 months programme then he went to the meeting room, explain the do's and don't, what to do, what not to do and definitely needed them to report every possible detail that they medically encounter while they are there and always inform him regarding their whereabouts, etc as he is responsible for their safety.

With the briefings done, Xiao Sean went back home, pack up his belongings for the next 4 months in which he thinks is important and much needed while saving space in his medium-size baggage.

That night, Xiao Sean and Nova were lounging around in the living room together with Natalya, Bella and Eden as he has something to ask from Clarion's family.

"Bell, Den I know that this is kinda short notice but can you two help me to babysit Nova for 4 months?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks at the two while Natalya and Nova were busy doing their homework.

"Sure, why not. But where are you going or doing for 4 months?" asked Bella.

"It's all due to the 4 months programme to Canea, Kainary City, where we will send 3 doctor and a leader to teach them our knowledge or exchange knowledge with them more like that but nowadays it's just for a political stand where we sent some of our people there and they too do the same"

"Oh, then okay. Sure, for sure we will take good care of Nova besides she's my niece so rest assure we will take good care of her"

"Thank you, Bell, Eden. Oh and one thing, I'll fly first which is tomorrow evening. As you two know that Nova has a long lost twin brother and I want to take this opportunity to look for him in which I do hope I can, within this short period but nonetheless I will try my utmost and if possible I want to reunite them both"

"That's good thinking Sean, but what if Nova's twins' brother already have a family?"

"Then, I will try to find other methods to reunite them and no Eden, I will never do dangerous things or anything"

"What Eden said is true though Sean, but let's not think until that far yet. For now, let's focus on locate Nova's twins' brother first okay and please Sean. Don't do stupid stuff that against the law such as taking an illegal blood sample, etc"

"I won't Bell, I won't. That illegal thing will cost me beyond my ability".

The night went by like a big family where everyone was happily talking, laughing and joking around while having a great time and soon they all went back to their own respective house.

Before bed, as Xiao Sean was tugging Nova in her bed all of the sudden she asked;

"Mama, will I see my brother soon?"

"Hopefully baby, hopefully, luck is on our side and we get to meet with your twin brother," said Xiao Sean as he kisses Nova's forehead.

"I wish I can see him soon" murmur Nova as she closes her eyes ready to sleep.

"Mama wishes that too, baby hopefully, our wish will come true," said Xiao Sean as he smiled at his daughter while closed her room light and on her nightstand light before out from the room and head over to his room.

The next morning, Xiao Sean brought things that Nova might be needed for her stay despite they are neighbour yet still he was at The Clarion front door smiling nervously as it was his first time leaving Nova behind for more than a few days thus making him having slight separation anxiety at that moment.

"Sean, you need to stop hugging Nova, get your ass in the car and get to the airport before the cab driver honked at you again for the third time," said Bella as she holding in her laughter.

"Not funny Bella, I'm going to leave my baby girl for 4 months and I'm sad now. Should I just cancel this programme?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks at Bella with his sad eyes.

"No. You can't check out now. You promise Nova that you will find her twin brother and you need to cure your separation anxiety so go. Shoo. Have fun while you at there okay and promise me you will always bring this everywhere" said Bella as she softly separates Nova from Xiao Sean's hugs, places her beside Natalya, then hugs her best friend before she places a box of condom into his hand.

"What's that?" asked Xiao Sean as their still holding hands.

"Something that you, absolutely need" reply Bella as she winked at her best friend while smirking as she pulls her hands away from Xiao Sean's hand.

The moment Xiao Sean saw a box of condom he instantly said; "Stupid Bella," lowly which only Bella heard him while glare at her at the same time earns him a laugher from his best friend.

"Okay. I go now. Bye girls" said Sean as he waves goodbye at Bella, Natalya and Nova who wave back towards him as he enters the cab till he drove off from the car porch.

After an hour of journey from their house to the airport, finally, Xiao Sean arrived at the airport, in which he quickly pay for his ride, check his luggage in and enter the aeroplane waited for a few more minutes before they finally take off.

"Let's hope that we never cross path" murmur Xiao Sean while looking at the window as they on their way taking off ascend into the air.

"Here we go" murmur Xiao Sean inhale then exhale as he releases his worry and anxiety which he has to face in the next 4 month as he looks at the window enjoying the ascend scenery.

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