Stay With Us Forever?

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Exact 30 minutes later, as the clock strikes 6 pm. Yibo walks over towards them who was having a simple conversation over sandwiches.

"I'm done, now let's go. Baobei, you will shower in the plane" said Yibo.

"Where are we going papa?" asked Kai.

"We are going to see your mama" reply Yibo as he smiles sweetly at the twins.

In an instant, Kai stands up, patted his hands together, pull his sister up, patter her dress, pick Nova's backpack up, swing them on his back then walk over towards Yibo ready to go.

"We ready, let's go," said Kai.

"That's my boy," said Yibo as he ruffles his head.

"Mama, papa, we are going to Harrow, it's about time Kai meet with his mama"

"Have a safe journey my baobei, call us once you've reached"

"Will do mama"

Everyone bid their goodbye, hugs here and there before head over to the airport where they will onboard Yibo's private luxury jet. An hour has past and it's 7 pm where they quickly boarding the plane.

Once seated in their own designated seats inside the plane, the pilot quickly announced over the PA of their destination, their longitude and latitude, the normal protocol that needed to be done inside the aeroplane before take-off.

Only then after finished their normal protocol and getting the clearance from the control tower, they begin to take off and ascend to the sky leaving Canea behind.

As the belt sign off, Kai quickly unbuckled his belt and head over to his father's seat asking permission on using the bathroom, "I'm coming with you baobei" said Yibo while Nova and Natalya were busy talking, having fun.

"Papa, I'm a big boy now, no need to follow me and I know how to shower myself," said Kai as he starts to take his clothes off.

"Papa knows that papa just wants to lay your clothes out," said Yibo as he smiles at his son who acted like a grown-up.

But even if he knows that his son could and not needing his help in showering nor changing still he waited for him outside of the bathroom, organised his clothes while thinking back when Kai still small.

"Papa?" asked Kai as he stands in front of Yibo fully dressed.

"Papa you daydreaming again"

"Sorry baobei, papa just thinking back to where you were still small"

"Aww papa," said Kai as he hugs his father who hugged him back.

"Come papa let's join the others before meimei searches for us," said Kai as he releases his hug and pulls Yibo's hand.

The father-son duo then joins the rest as they were being served their late dinner meal that was served around 8-ish.

"Papa, gege! Come let's eat" said Nova as she waves her small hand then point at her plate.

"My baobei know how to eat her dinner by herself? I'm impressed, what a good beautiful girl" compliment Yibo as he smiles at Nova.

"It's easy papa, mama taught me how to eat by myself," said Nova as she munch on her food.

Yibo smile lovingly at his daughter, caress her hair and restrain himself from asking questions as he is dying to know more about his daughter and his mate but for now, he swallows his question and joins, filling his belly up.

"Are you full my baobei?" asked Yibo as he caresses both Nova and Kai's head then Natalya.

"I am papa," said Kai.

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