Highly Doubt That

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After their breakfast, everyone was playing outside in the backyard happily, the kids were playing together, the grown-ups were in their own groups, Yibo talking to Eden while Xiao Sean and Bella were busy munching on their cakes.

"Honey, we both will head inside okay," said Bella as she shouts at Eden who was nodding his head as they were a couple of meters away from each other.

Without missing a beat, Yibo jog towards his mate who was struggling to stand up.

"Thanks," said Xiao Sean as he looks at Yibo who helped him.

"Most welcome mate," said Yibo but was greeted with an annoyed expression from his mate.

"Come, Bella," said Xiao Sean as he walks towards the door.

As soon as they both reach the living room, Bella place their plates of half-eaten cake down in front of them before she plops herself down next to him and asked;

"Why is your attitude towards him change after breakfast? When this morning was all merry and joy" asked Bella straightforward.


"Tell me, Sean"

"Could you drop it"

"No, I won't. I need to know what happens. Did he do something you don't like? Or hurt your feeling? Because girl, I'm ready to throw hands at any moments"

"It's nothing serious and what's with that attitude?"

"I'm being a protective sister that's all. I don't like you feeling like this, your uneasiness, your anger, your sadness aura is rolling out in waves, one after another and I'm concern, that's all"

"Don't be okay Bel, thank you for your concern but I can manage my own emotions"

"I know you can but what about your child? And I mean both inside your stomach and out there playing with their father"

"What about them?"

"It's your aura, Sean. Do you not notice your twins out there is looking at you warily and your twins in your stomach constantly move around while you too constantly trying to calm them down by rubbing circles on top of your stomach like what are you doing right now"

"So could you be truthful to your sister and tell me what's bothering you right now?"

"It's nothing big, I mean it's nothing because it's not my business to stick my nose into"

"If it's nothing, you won't be in this position. So tell me truthfully Xiao Sean"

"Fine, fine. I accidentally saw some incoming text message from his mother regarding someone been calling him countless times, she wants him to call her back as it is urgent and it's not good to let a woman hanging like that. Plus, his own mother sent him an attachment of files regarding some candidates in which I'm positive that it's his wife candidate. There, I said it. Happy now"

"Yes, very much, thank you for that. Now, why would you think much about that? I mean you can just ask him about it?"

"Why, just to make me sound and look pathetic asked him about that? Why would I ask him, it's not my position to ask him and do you want me to be like beg him to dump her and be with me? What if he doesn't have any feelings for me? Or worst, for F sake Bella, what if that first woman who texted him is his wife? Don't you ever think of that? What if he already has someone in his mind that he wanted to marry? Or what if that list is his future wife? And he only comes here because I'm pregnant with his child. Or out of pity because Nova went there and blur everything to him"

"I highly doubt that"

"Of course you will and you're not in my position. There are a big different type of possibilities that he is here or worst, he's here just for the twins? Fuck no! I will never give my twins to him"

"Again Sean, I highly doubt that"

"Don't you see it? He did everything just for the twins and what about the phone call that I overheard? Telling his loved one in a sweet voice, saying he loves her and all make me want to puke at that action, oh not to forget he did say that he will bring the twins to them. Over my dead body, if that's his goal"

"I'm sensing someone is jealous," said Bella as she smirks at Xiao Sean.

Xiao Sean glared at Bella slowly trying his best to stand up in which he succeeds and at that moment who also was clearly under the control of his hormone's spell, angrily said;

"Whatever it is, I won't accept him in this family, I will fight him to protect my twins and I will get Kai and I meant it. Do you hear that Yibo? I want Kai, and I will fight you for him. Pack your belongings, get the hell out of here, go back to your family and stay away from mine"

With that being said, Xiao Sean walks up towards his bedroom, slam the door angrily while Yibo who was speechless at the whole situation, look at Bella while slightly gritted his teeth upon unexpectedly eavesdropping on their conversation from the beginning.

Without utter a single words, Yibo turns around, head over to the backyard, walk over towards Eden, inform him about something before he head over to Kai and Nova, kiss their heads then he walks inside the house walk upstairs heading over to the guest room.

30 minutes later, Yibo finished pack his belongings head over to the front door, exit the house, slip himself inside the red car where Eden was waiting for him, as they drove away from the house.

Without knowing anything, the once angry like fire Xiao Sean accidentally fall asleep after working himself out with a nonsense agenda that was playing with his head while his mate leaves the country upon his request.

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