Flashback: The Incident 1 (Yibo)

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Right after Yibo succeeded in distracting the woman by talking to her as if he's interested in her, he quickly texts his gang in which they too successfully fled from that place together with Dema.

None of the gang actually know what had happened with Dema and Liam but they know something odd had happened within their family and their guessing comes true when both Liam and Dema told them that they're going to run away together without actually informing them face to face.

After that final text from Liam about him elope with Dema, since then no one actually saw them, nor hear from them and it's been a few years since the last contact with each other in private chat nor the group chat.

Then out of nowhere, Liam comes knocking on his office door, looking at him with a smile but with his smiling expression, he still couldn't fool Yibo with his appearance that was slightly haggard as a visible stressed, unhappy and in need of help could be seen on his facial expression.

Without thinking much, Yibo hugged his best friend, pull him in, close his office door, locked it and guide Liam to the sofa.

"You okay buddy?" asked Yibo out of pure concern for his best friend.

"I'm not, Yibo I want to ask you for one final favour, could you do me a favour?"

"Sure, anything for my best friend but you need to tell me what is going on"

"Yibo, I have a child that needs my protection and my son, Kai, here's the picture, is being kidnapped by my parents and they threaten to kill him if I don't divorce Dema and marry the other woman, this is her," said Liam while he shows his son's picture before showing him the woman's picture.

To Yibo's shocked, the woman is actually the very woman whom he helps to distract the other time and on top of that Liam is married to Dema and have twins.

"You have twins?"

"Yes Yibo, Dema and I, we have twins which are Kai and Ming "

"This is big news, I mean, congratulation, although it's in a bad situation right now but still congratulation on the wedding and having twins but most importantly where's Dema?"

"She's supposed to reach her home town by now with Ming, but right now Kai is in danger Yibo he's in my parent's hand that's why I'm here, I need to retrieve my son from my evil parents but I-"

Liam's was explaining Dema's whereabouts but all of a sudden his sentence was cut off by an image of Dema being held as a hostage by his parents.

"FUCK they have Dema!"

"FUCK! Let's go now!"

Yibo rush towards his table, grab his stuff and storm out of the office together with Liam, where they both heads over towards Liam's old house meanwhile as they were on their way there, Yibo quickly called his father explaining the current situation that they are facing.

While Liam who was seating at the passenger's seat started to spill everything, from the start till the end to Wang Wei.

After listening to everything Wang Wei was furious at the whole situation because not only Liam's parents decided to play with an innocent life but they too have bad blood with the Wang's empire.

Before Liam's parents being kicked out of Wang's company, they were once their Directors but due to their own greediness and ill-nature, they decided to embezzled millions out from the company account and into their own private overseas account.

This action was caught by Yibo's father, Wang Wei, thus starting their bad blood. Unlike Wang Wei who knows what's right and what's wrong or takes responsibility for his own wrong action, Liam's parents a true ill born humans decided to take another alternative to be successful in their life which is to engage with the Mafia.

After knowing his parent's crazy plan for money, Liam slowly back away from his parent's but luck wasn't on his side as they decided to gamble with his life by selling him to the Mafia's daughter, which is the woman that was being distracted by Yibo while he fled with Dema.

Since then everything goes down in the drain, Liam's parents started to do bad things, while Liam and Dema run for their life away from everyone and now it seems like fate has spit on his face as they were stuck in the whole mess that goes back to square one.

Upon reaching Liam's run-down mansion, he frantically runs towards their living room but nothing can be done as deeds have been done upon Dema who was laying there dead, on top of the table, as her organs were being cut out, from her heart to her kidney, everything was clean cut.

Everything was like in a slow-motion mode, where Liam like a mad raging bull charge towards his father, crying his eyes out as he was being held by the Mafia's men that were inside the house.

The whole house reek with fresh blood while accompanied Liam's muffled crying voice that immediately could be heard a baby wailing in the other room which makes both Liam and Yibo relieve and angry at the same time.

"Let the baby go, please" beg Liam as he drops all four in front of his parents who is like a sick person smiling and laughing.

"Beg more and sign those papers then we will reconsider," said Liam's father.

"Where's the baby?" asked Yibo in his Alpha tone clearly angry at that moment.

Everyone who was in the room slightly bowed their heads including Liam's mother who is an omega but not his father who is an alpha who smug at him, raise his head, walk over towards Yibo still smiling like a freak.

"What did you say, boy," said Liam's father.

"Where's the baby" reply Yibo, not backing down.

Both alpha's release their pheromones trying to suppress while glare and challenging each other without backing down in which suffocate everyone in the room and at that moment too, Yibo quickly draw out his knife that he concealed in his suit and place it on Liam's neck.

"You really think, you can outsmart me old fucker?"

"Oh, my boy, I can. Bring me that abomination out here"

As soon as he said that, a man in casual attire walk inside the living room, pushing a pram while pointed a gun over Kai as he was still wailing, wanting his father. Feeling out moved, Yibo gritted his teeth, place the knife down, kick it away from him while his eyes, trained on Kai, the man and Liam's father.

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