I'm pregnant

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Three months have passed and like what Xiao Sean predicted he indeed down with a sickness that could last up to 4 to 5 more months while his pattern changes drastically together with his body size.

"Oh Lord, how the fish do I tell Eden and Bella about this. No, scratch that, how on earth do I explain to Nova?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks at himself in the mirror while pulling his shirt up slightly.

Xiao Sean couldn't help but admire his body, it gives him happiness and joy to know that someone like him could be hosting a miracle without being caught by anyone yet.

"You two in there? Do you have anything to contribute to mama? Do you know how to tell your big sisters, your uncle and aunties?" asked Xiao Sean as he caresses the slightly bulging tummy that his twins currently reside in.

"*Sigh* You two are very cheeky twins I must tell you that, for you, two decided to come to me when I'm not prepared at all" murmur Xiao Sean smiling as he caresses his stomach before he could hear a loud sound calling for him downstairs.





Scream Nova, Natalya, Bella and Eden calling/ urging Xiao Sean as they waited by the front door for their family dinner date.

"Coming, coming. Jeez, you lots. So loud" said Xiao Sean as he walks over towards them.

Everyone smirk at Xiao Sean before they in unison murmur 'slow poke' before they laugh out loud that makes Xiao Sean roll his eyes as he shakes his head in disapproval while walk over to his car.

"Nova and Natalya, come with me. Let us give your old folks some quality time alone" said Xiao Sean playfully as he smirks at Bella and Eden.

"Okay mama/uncle"

"Thanks, old man"

"No problem old folks"

After everyone settles themselves in the car, Xiao Sean pulls his car out from his driveway together with Eden. Then they make their move as Eden follows Xiao Sean's car without knowing where are they heading too as Xiao Sean didn't tell them anything but remind them to dress up casual leisurewear for their dinner.

All of them currently heading towards Xiao Sean's favourite restaurant that he booked a few days ago prior to the place often fully booked. Upon reaching the restaurant, everyone exits the car and head over to the private room that placed on the second floor.

"What are we celebrate tonight?" asked Eden as he pulls the chair out for Bella, while the other ladies take their seats.

"Yea, Sean. What is the occasion? You only take us here whenever you have a piece of big news or something great happen to you?" asked Bella as she narrows her eyes towards Xiao Sean who was grinning from one ear to the other trying his hardest not to spill his happy news.

'My lord, this is exciting. I'm like a small kid wanting to share my happy news but at the same time, I should wait for a bit longer right? For now, let's get some food in my belly. My baobao need their food' said Xiao Sean to himself as he takes a sip of his warm water.

At that moment, Xiao Sean felt like a little kid that holding onto his favourite candy wanting to share with everyone his happiness but right now, he will only tell them later when their food is served.

True to its name for delivering a fast, top-notch quality food restaurant, a train of food making its way inside the room beautifully and strategically place in front of them as it was being served to them.

"Let's dig in first after that then I will decide either to tell you or no," said Xiao Sean as he scoops some food into Nova and Natalya's plate with the help of Bella before he did the same to his own plate.

"Jeez, you did this the other time too. In the end, we both discover it by ourselves where you get a transfer from Clarity Hospital to Harrow IPH" said Bella as she pouts a little while raising her left lips slightly before she rolls her eyes then let the situation go.

"Hehe, why on Earth you still remember that. Here, get lots of vegetable in you so you'll stop those sour expression" said Xiao Sean as he pushes the vegetable plate towards her while grin at Eden laughs at them.

During dinner, Eden talked and vent out his frustration about one of his old man full of demanding clients while Bella to speak out about her students at the Harrow International Private University on how to spoil, bratty some of the students.

Their conversation went on and on till they both circle back to their original question which is to make Xiao Sean relax enough while they attack him with their questions without him knowing.

Xiao Sean was in the state of listening to the other's story yet not really focusing on them as he is currently at the point of feeling full while slowly his sleepiness trying to took over him.

There and then, both Eden and Bella know that's it's their opportunity to ask;

"Sean, what is the happy news?"

"I'm pregnant" blur out Xiao Sean as he takes a sip of his water.

Both Eden and Bella drop down their utensil at the same time which startle both, Natalya and Nova, as they both mumble 'what a kid, dropping their fork/spoon' as they giggle.

While Xiao Sean places his glass down, look at them while smile as if he was getting caught.

"You two okay?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks at Bella than at Eden a couple of time.

"Don't freeze like a statue"

"Guys?" said Xiao Sean again as he snaps his fingers then wave his hand in front of them as Natalya and Nova mimicking Xiao Sean's action while giggling.

"You pregnant?!" exclaim Bella as she the first one to snap out from her shock then Eden follow suit while asking the same question.

"Yes Bella, Eden. I'm pregnant, to be precisely I'm at the end of the third month of pregnancy. Tomorrow will be the first day of the fourth-month pregnancy" said Xiao Sean as he takes a sip of his water.

"Wait, what!" exclaim Eden again, doubting the answer.

"Okay, I guess this is our cue to get home before, you two scream your head off and curse loudly," said Xiao Sean as he presses the button to call for their bills.

"I will explain everything at home, so hold your horses till we are at home" add Xiao Sean again as he gets the girls ready.

A few minutes later, enter the young waitress together with their bills without looking at the bill, Xiao Sean pulls out his credit card, tap his card and the payment is successful as his phone gets a notification of the transaction.

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