Dinner with the Clarion

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After Xiao Sean's shift ended, he quickly heads over to Bella's house to pick his daughter up in which he drove over to his own house first before he walks on foot to Bella's house which was right next to his own house.

Upon arriving at his car porch Xiao Sean quickly pats his face, run his fingers through his messy hair trying to make him look presentable before head over to the front door and ring the house bell.

"Sean, come on in," said Bella as she opens the door widely and invite her best friend inside his home.

"How are the girls?" asked Xiao Sean as he enters the house.

"They are at the kitchen and you are in luck because we still set up the table for dinner" reply Bella as they both enter the kitchen.

"Mama~," said Nova as she stops arranges the plates on top of the table and runs over to Xiao Sean.

"My munchkin how are you?" asked Xiao Sean as he hugs his daughter who was grinning.

"I'm good and before you asked, I didn't do anything bad so don't worry okay mama," said Nova as she looks at Xiao Sean while smiling cutely towards him.

"I know love, you are my baby girl, of course, you're the best" reply Xiao Sean as he pinched Nova's cheek in which makes her whine.

"I was just teasing you, mama," said Nova as she smiles brightly towards her mama before she went back to do her task.

"Thank you for your help Bell," said Xiao Sean as he stands next to Bella who smile at him.

"Sean, there's no need for that and you know it. You are like my brother and even Eden agree on that" said Bella.

"Yes Sean, listen to your sister. You have us. We are your family and we will always help you out. No matter what" add Eden as he walks towards them.

"I really did hit a jackpot by having you all as my family," said Xiao Sean as he smiles at the two who smile at each other before smiles at Xiao Sean.

"Yes uncle, don't feel burden or anything. You know we all love you uncle so please, plus it's fun to have Nova here" said Natalya as she wiggles her eyebrow towards Nova who wiggles and grin back.

"You two are a literal meaning of two peas in a pot," said Xiao Sean as he shakes his head in a disapproval manner while smiling.

"Besides we literally live right next to each other and our backyard is connected so we are not just neighbour but a big family," said Natalya as Nova nod profusely agreeing with her best friend as they all seat down at the dining table.

"Are you trying to coax me for letting Nova staying here with you every time?" asked Xiao Sean as he narrowing his eyes in an act of suspicion towards Natalya.

"Hehe" reply Natalya in a suspicious laugh that accompanies by Nova who giggles.

"But mama, aren't I already do that every day," said Nova in a low voice in which can be heard by the others.

"Cheeky baby girl," said Xiao Sean as he pinched his daughter's cheek.

After dinner, all of them gather in the living room as requested by Xiao Sean while they are in the middle of dinner.

"I have something to announce to all of you," said Xiao Sean as they were munching pistachio nuts while talking away.

"Do you have a man?", "New partner?", "Am I getting a new daddy?", "Am I getting a new uncle?" asked all four of them in unison while looking at Xiao Sean curiously.

"Wait. Wait a damn minute" said Xiao Sean as he looks at them confused while holding his hands up in a stop sign.

"No and no. And you missy, how on earth do you know about my sexuality? The both of you?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks back and forth from Bella to Eden to Nova then to Natalya.

"Just guessing?" reply Nova and Natalya in an overly caught red-handed tone.

"Someone told you isn't it?" said Xiao Sean as he narrows his eyes looking at them both.

"Fine~" reply Nova while pouting.

"We read Dema's diary the one that she left behind for Nova," said Bella as she tells the truth.

"Nova baby girl why didn't I know this?" asked Xiao Sean as he looked at Nova with a big puppy eyes.

"I-I kinda forget about the diary mama, until yesterday, when aunty comes over to my room to help me get my books then she saw the diary" answer, Nova, as she munch on her pistachio nuts.

"Okay... please elaborate more Bella," said Xiao Sean while looking from Nova to Bella.

"I recognised the diary because that diary is the one that I personally purchase for her when she went to Canada when she knows that you transfer there and you know we can't say not to that right? She really thinks of you as her own baby brother although we all are at the same age. Anyway in the diary, she mentions everything, from who is she with, up to who is Nova, what had happened to her and her mate" said Bella, as she takes a deep breath then release them while slightly teary eyes.

"Mama, do you want to read it by yourself?" asked Nova as she looks directly into Xiao Sean's eyes.

Xiao Sean was subconsciously unaware that he nodded his head slowly in a yes motion while holding onto Nova's hand while he has a flashback of what had happened that day.

"If so then, if you please excuse us, we'll go back home now" reply Nova as she stands up and held her mama's hand tighter.

Xiao Sean follows his daughter's action as he stands up and holds her hand tight while look at Clarion's family who smiles softly at them.

"Then see you all tomorrow as I have other things to tell to you too," said Xiao Sean as he snaps out of his flashback moment.

"Come nǚ yīng (baby girl)" add Xiao Sean as he looks at his daughter who smiles and nods her head before both of them walkout from the house and head over to their own house.

Upon arrived at Nova's room, Xiao Sean takes his seat and seat at the end of the bed while looking at his daughter pulling out a half heart black and red colour diary.

"Here mama," said Nova as she hands over the diary to Xiao Sean.

"Thank you nǚ yīng (baby girl), now you get some rest okay," said Xiao Sean as he tugs Nova in her bed before he off the lights and on the night light.

Xiao Zhan then heads over to his own bedroom and quickly freshen himself up before he read the diary.

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