Happy Ending

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Everyone remained silent as they give Bella some space to calm herself down while hugging Xiao Sean but their silence broke by Yibo's mother as she asked Yibo to look at the children.

"Nows that everything is settled and clear out, let's get back to business. Xiao Zhan.." said Yibo's mother after Yibo was busy with the twins.

"Yes, Mrs Wang?"

"Oh my boy, don't call me that. You can call me mum as you're Yibo's mate" said Wang Xia.

"Ok-okay m-mum" reply Xiao Sean feeling shy and awkward as he never once said those words.

"Honey, don't make our son shy, it's okay Xiao Zhan, your dad will back you up" tease Wang Wei as he laughs heartily.

"How is that backing you up, it is more like teasing you am I right soon to be Mr Wang" tease Bella while winked at Xiao Zhan who glares at her.

"And you are not that different than them, such a tease," said Xiao Sean while pouting.

The day when by rather quick as everyone was happily talking and enjoying each others company, it felt like a big family gathering then out of nowhere, the house bell ringed indicate someone is at the front door.

"Let me see who's at the door," said Xiao Zhan as he walks slowly at the door while the others were busy talking and barbecuing in the backyard.

The moment Xiao Zhan open the door he was attacked by multiple gifts from his co-worker and his best friend Vera and hugs from her bubbly daughters.

"Oh, my, hi my lovely Verns and Vanes. How are you two?" asked Xiao Zhan as he hugs them back.

"We are good aunty, and where's Natalya and Nova?" asked Vanes.

"We Miss them" add Verns

"They are at the backyard, playing. Come on in, go and play with them" said Xiao Zhan as Verns and Vanes run over towards the backyard while Vera smile fondly at them like a big sister.

"Here's your stuff and the rest will be brought in by Jake. So tell me how're the twins? Most importantly (whisper) where's your mate?" asked Vera full of curiosity.

Xiao Sean smile at her while slightly shakes his head at her attitude and like a jinx, Yibo walk inside the house, head over towards his mate, while greeting Vera who was giving Xiao Sean the signal of wanting to gossip.

"Yibo could you call Bella over? We will be at the kitchen" said Xiao Zhan to his mate and like an obedient mate he calls Bella over.

"Spill it, tell us, how you snag a handsome alpha all by yourself?"

"Not to mention Vera, he's a dominant alpha"

"Damn! Spicy! I bet he's rough in the bed? I mean it's a given, isn't it? Dominant and all (wink)"

"You two are crazy, why not asked your own Alpha or request them to do fifty shades of naughtiness towards you then tell me all about it," said Xiao Zhan trying to make them think about their own mate and stop asking about his while he slowly slips out from the kitchen area.

Without being caught, Xiao Zhan manages to sleep out and encounter two alpha trying to suppress their anger out of each other.

"What are you monkey two doing?" asked Xiao Zhan in annoyance.

"Why is your boy toy here?" asked Yibo directly.

"Boy toy?! Excuse me! What is this fuck boy doing here?"

"Okay, you two need to clear things up and get it over with. So what the hell is wrong with you two? Why getting on each other throat when you didn't even know each other?"

"He knocks you out without consent," said Jake.

"He always around you and all," said Yibo at the same time as Jake.

"Ah... now I know. Okay, so you are jealous and you are overprotective? Well, news flash, Jake is my best friend, my brother, nothing more and you, stop being jealous and asked if you're having doubts. What an empty head you two have, one is a doctor and another one is a businessman, who supposed to be smart but now look totally opposite of that" said Xiao Zhan sassily as he turns around and walks away from them heading towards the backyard.

Everyone who was eavesdropping on them holding their laughter while continuing their own conversation and works as if nothing happen meanwhile both Jake and Yibo glare at each other and follow Xiao Zhan.

"Is everything okay Sean?" asked Vera deliberately.

"No, can you ask your husband to stop being overprotective of me as I have enough of you two up on my ass already," said Xiao Zhan deliberately loud while pointing at both Vera and Bella so that everyone could hear.

"Hey, that's mean. We are kind and cool. Am I right Vera" said Bella playfully as she winked at Vera who smirks at her.

"Super right and Jake, stop disturb Sean"

"I did not, I'm innocent. He is the one who's a pain in my ass" said Jake as he pointed at Yibo.

"Wait, your husband is him?" asked Yibo while pointed at Jake.

"Yes, he is my husband, and Verns and Vanes are our daughters" reply Vera while pointing at the girls.

"Oh! Okay, got it. Hey man, it's good to know you. You overprotective of my baobei is totally expected like he's clumsy sometimes, airhead too" said Yibo as he smiles at Jake then shake his hand with him while Jake was puzzled at the whole situation to nod his head and shakes their hands together.

After the misunderstanding cleared out, Jake and Yibo talk to each other like best friends that haven't meet each other for ages as they click and get along, talking about everything mending their own conversation.

Everyone who was looking at them shakes their head in disbelieve and continue their conversation, action and teasing while having fun with each other company meanwhile, the day went by in a smooth sail.

In the end, the headache, the heartache, the sadness, the happiness that each and everyone went through comes to its right place, like people always said, no pain no gain, no pain no love.

Everything happens for a reason and that reasons lead it to the end results in either you accept the result full-heartedly or reject it and in the end Xiao Zhan accept Yibo back in his life, look surpass their mistakes together and look forward to their future together with twins in tow.

With an unexpected beautiful future ahead, these two souls will learn how to accept the bumpy roads and embrace them.

The End

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