Flashback: The Incident 2 (Yibo)

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"Fine, you get the upper hand. But I have a proposal to propose and the benefits are just for you" said Yibo as he looks at Liam's father.

"What is that?"

"How much do you want for the baby? I will buy him and clear your debts"

"Tempting but no"

"How about this, I write the amount that you want in my chequebook and you can cash out"

"Any amount?"

"Any amount, to your liking"

"Give me 1 billion"

"Sure, I'll write it down. But you need to give me the baby first then I'll sign it for you" said Yibo as he pulls his chequebook out.

"No, no. I want cash. Give me cash then I'll give you the baby"

"I need to see the baby first, just in case you lie to me and make me pay for someone else's baby"

"Bring that abomination closer"

The man then push Kai's prem closer to Yibo, the moment he saw Kai, he could see the resemble Kai has with Liam and Dema in which makes his cold heart turn mush slightly while he looks up to Liam and nods his head, indicate that the baby is Kai.

"Now that you've seen this monster, pay up you fucker"

'Fucking bastard' said Yibo to himself as his annoyance level increasing.

"Fine, but if 1 billion cash out it'll be hard and takes time as I have to cash it out from multiple banks. If you don't know, one bank limited 300 million per person or else they will call the police and one transaction can get up to 3 hours so if I were to cash out 1 billion it will take me over 9 hours unless I cash out 300 million, write checks for another to your other two subordinate or one to you and another one to your wife then another to one of your trusted subordinate which makes it up to 1 billion, so what's your take on this?"

"Ermm, erm, what ar-,"

Before Liam's father could finish his sentence the house was surrounded by policemen upon Wang Wei's report and live streaming from Yibo's double cuff collar pin shirt.

"FUCK, the place is being surrounded!" scream the Mafia members as they quickly look out of the windows.

From the moment they walk out from the office till at the house, everything was recorded and lifestreaming that connected to his father's laptop and phones in which is a piece of crucial evidence to capture the rest of its Mafia members.

"The fuck did you do?" scream Liam's father as he runs over towards the window and takes a peek.

"I did not do anything, I haven't done anything so don't you fucking accuse me of doing things that I didn't do a single shit," said Yibo angrily, clearly unrestrained as his alpha voice come forward.

Immediately Kai starts to cry again and this time, Yibo quickly come to his aid. He picks Kai up and hugs him trying to soothe him down in which he success and out of nowhere an overly angry man in a suit, point his gun at Yibo.

He fires his gun but was saved by Liam as he runs in front of them thus he was shooting at his abdomen and at that moment all hell break loose as everyone started to shoot at each other while the policemen push forward.

Out of chaos and anger, Yibo quickly pulls Liam by the side of the room, place Kai next to him, draw his gun out and said; "Keep your baby safe, I'll be back in a second".

Yibo like a man out from an action film, he runs, slide, take cover, aims and shoot precisely at the target. One by one, the target, falls like a fallen leafs, eliminate by Yibo as his adrenalin was high, his heart pounding, hammering on his chest.

He quickly eliminates everyone in the room but not Liam's father as he saves him for the last.

"Liam's father, why are you running?" asked Yibo as he shoots his left leg, while he wails in pain but still trying his best to run away from Yibo.

"Liam's father, where are you going?" asked Yibo again as he shoots his left arm.

"You monster! Motherfucker! I curse you! You fuc- ARGHH!" scream Liam's father as Yibo shoot his right leg.

He falls on the ground in a loud thud, while he is almost at the kitchen door and at that moment too, the policemen rush over towards him but halted as they saw Yibo standing in front of him.

Without utter a single words the policemen turn and walk over towards the other room, doing their normal routine, a clean sweep from one door to another while Yibo places his gun back into its cover, walk over to Liam's father's who was trying his best to hold back his pain.

Yibo looks down, grab the back collar of Liam's father shirt, drag him from the kitchen towards Liam who was holding onto his son, Kai, while the other policeman putting pressure on his bleeding abdomen.

"Here," said Yibo as he slides Liam's father as if he's a bag of cement.

"You fu-fucker, tr-trying t-to" stutter Liam's father while in pain.

"Beg to your son, then I might release you," said Yibo as Liam's father begs his son contentiously like a pathetic man.

"Okay, that's enough begging you lowlife. Here Liam, get this over with" said Yibo as he hands over his gun while pick Kai's up from his father.

"Yo-you promise, you fucking promise that you will let me go!" scream Liam's father.

"I said I might release you, but that's up to your son as your life is in his hands" reply Yibo as he steps away a couple of steps away from them.

Without making much noise, the gun was fired in a suppressed shot as it was equipped with a suppressor and Liam's father to thud down as the bullet was placed in the middle of his head.

"Thank you, my brother," said Liam as he holds onto his abdomen while the other policeman was not in his original position.

"Please, adopt Kai and take care of him. I beg you, my brother"


"No buts brother, I'm dying and I know that. But he isn't and he doesn't have anyone so please take him as yours. Promise me Yibo, promise me that *cough cough* *cough cough* promise me, that you will find Ming" said Liam in a low, hard voice as he tries his best to convey his message to his best friend.

"I promise brother, I promise"

With Liam final breath, he said "Thank you *cough cough* for *cough* everything".

"Don't say that brother, Kai is my son too"

With his remaining strength Liam tries his hard to convey another information that he knows, "Yibo I forget *cough cough* to tell *cough* you that *cough cough* Xiao Zhan"

"What about my Zhan?"

"He, he, he's at *cough cough*"

Before Liam could finish his sentence, he was coughing blood that ended up covered his airway supply and unfortunately, he passed away without complete his word, left the world and join Dema in the afterlife.

At that moment, Yibo felt helpless, he was sad, angry, confused, annoyed, curious, over Liam's uncompleted sentence but at the same time, he knows that his responsibilities double as he's not only a normal bachelor but he's a bachelor with a child in his hand in which he needs to take care of and on top of that he needs to find two important people in his life which he has no clue where they at.

(End of Flashback)

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