Flashback: The Incident 3 (Xiao Zhan)

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"So yea, that's the whole story. Now if you could explain to me how Ming, no I mean Nova, is with you?" asked Yibo as he sneakily caresses Xiao Sean's hands and stomach which makes him just melt under his touch.

"Mine, rather simple"


It was the second day and the final day for Xiao Sean at Canea where he acquired everything for his future education at Harrow. Everything was at peace until he accidentally saw Dema and Liam walking around the street while pushing two prams.

With a curious and happy heart, Xiao Sean runs over towards them while called out their names.

"Wow, wow. Look at you two, all glowing and happy. How are you? Is this your children? Twins?" asked Xiao Sean happily.

"Wow besties, slow down, asked us one by one," said Dema as she hugs Xiao Sean.

"I'm elected and happy to see you two happy like this, leaving your life to the fullest," said Xiao Sean truthfully but an evident slightly hurt evidence could be seen on their expression as they give out a fake smile.

"Know what, let's grab a private room and we will talk there," said Xiao Sean without missing a beat as he leads them towards their once favourite coffee shops that offer a private room.

Upon reaching the room, he quickly turns to look at them and asked away like a truly concerned family member.

"Is everything okay?"

"Y-yes, everything okay" lie Dema.

"Don't you dare lie to me Dema, is everything okay? Liam?"

"No, we are actually running away from my parents"


"Some debts that my parents couldn't pay off and now I'm the one who is hunted down by them," said Liam.

"Hmm, then how much is it?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know and I frankly don't give a shit about my parents"

"I know you don't but still will you live like this for the rest of your life? If you say it's fine then think of your children, will you want them to see you like this or even live a nomad life? Have no fixed residence, move from place to place, how about their education? Did you think of that?" said Xiao Sean like a mother as he clearly cares about them.

"If you didn't think that far then why not come to with me and I'll help you as much as I can besides I have a family up at Harrow who for sure will help us"

"Thank you for your concern Xiao Sean but we too have a family up there, I mean Dema have a family up there"

"Dema? I thought you're an orphanage child. Did you play a trick on me again?"

"Okay, ladies, do let me order us boys get you some cakes for this heated conversation," said Liam while pushing Kai out of the room, not wanting to be in the same room full of a land mine.

"I am an orphanage and no I didn't tell you any of that because I don't want anyone to be curious of them as it will lead to a disaster of anyone know about my twin sister"

"Twin sister? Not just sister?! My Lord what is happening" said Xiao Sean in disbelief.

"You will get to know her but for now let-"

Without finished her sentence, Dema spotted a couple of men looking around the streets, the same men who were busy tracking them down everywhere.

"Shit they've found us!"


"The Mafia. The bad guy that's after all of us"

"Fuck! Is that Liam?!"

"Fuck NO! My baby!" screams Dema as they saw the men push Liam down while carrying the baby pram inside the black car and drove away.

"Fuck, fuck! Shit!"

"Calm down Dema, let's get your baby together, so keep your shit together and let's get your husband and baby"

"No! I need your help. Get my Ming out of here, get her to safety, this is her luggage, this is her certificate, this is her passport. Get her over to this address, this is my twin sister's address, she will help with everything, please treat my daughter like your own. This shit needs to end and I need to get my son back" said Dema with full of determination.

Xiao Sean was speechless, as he was being told things that he himself couldn't think he has the capability of doing so, without resisting much, he did what he thinks he should which is to get the baby in a safe environment and wait for his best friend.

"Please keep her safe and Ming please be a kind-hearted baby," said Liam as he kissed Ming's head together with Dema.

"Please go now, get our daughter to a safe place," said Dema as he pushes Xiao Sean out from the place while Liam nodded his head in approval.

Without being told much, Xiao Sean picks up Ming's backpack, use it then gather his cabin luggage and Ming's luggage then exit the coffee shop, hop inside the cab and head over to the airport.

(End of Flashback)

"Everything happens so fast, I couldn't even process it quickly and the next thing I know, I'm boarding the plane together with Nova and head over to Dema's twin sister's Bella's place. I explain everything to her, she understands the situation and even allows me to adopt Nova as my own" explain Xiao Sean as he looks at Yibo's parents who was nodding their head and attentively listen to his side of the story.

"We are sorry for your lost Bella," said Yibo as he looks at her who was holding back her tears.

"Oh sissy, come here," said Xiao Sean as Bella scoot over towards him and hug him.

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