Runaway Mate

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The next day, Xiao Sean was the first one to wake up due to his unconditional responses where his body woke up on its own without needing additional help from anyone or anything.

The first problem he faces was the feeling of soreness everywhere on his body but the most noticeable ones are on his back and neck. At the very place where he has gotten the mating bite and they knotted three times the night before as they mated all the way.

While still connected with his mate, Xiao Sean gingerly wiggles his way out of his mate as he slowly detaches himself out from his mate's dick that was locked inside of him the whole day.

After successfully detach himself, he places a couple of pillows at a position where he will sleep more comfortable as what he learned in his second year in medical school which is to place the pillow by the side of the head slightly to support the neck then another one is at in between the leg to balance his body as it is in a fully rested position that could enhance the comfy and its back support.

Without waiting long after that Xiao Sean quickly pick up his boxer, use back his shirt where a visibly dry cum on his chest and back while he clenching onto his hole so that his mate's semen will not roll down on his thigh as he uses his boxer then proceed on using his pants.

Without a proper shower nor combing his hair, he walks out from the room trying to look as decent as he can quickly head over to the lift, riding it down to the lobby and exit the hotel without many people looking at him as a freak as it was still early.

He held down a cab, get inside and drove off to his own hotel that was located not far from the hospital. He quickly enters his room without looking left nor right as he head over to the bathroom, take a long ass shower, clean every part of his body including his hole where he carefully washing any remaining semen inside of him as he scrubs down his body with a luffa.

An hour later after scrubbing and soak himself in a bubble bath, he gets up, wipes himself down and heads out to get his clothes ready.

He changed into his outfit for the day, quickly pack his stuff up in an orderly and clean pack as he separates the used clothing from the clean ones in their own respective plastic bags.

After that, he quickly joins with his other team members at the lobby where they'll be transferred back to the airport and leave the country on that morning back to Lindo City. Upon everything settle in, the four doctors take off on time thus Xiao Sean says his final goodbyes to his fated mate as they are on-air, on their way back home.

Meanwhile, back to the hotel where Xiao Sean's mate was still sleeping, he slowly regains his consciousness with a pounding head and a slightly sore dick as he forced open his eyes to look around the hotel room.

"Xiao Zhan?" asked the man as he looks around the room.

"Xiao Zhan?" asked the man again as he stands up from the bed and walks over towards the living room.

"Where are you?" asked the man as he walks over towards the other room in which empty.

"What the fuck!" said the man as reality hits him that his mate is gone.

With furious and angry, he power walk back inside his room, grab his phone and call his assistant.

"Search Xiao Zhan for me"

With that, he hangs up, tosses his phone on top of the bed then punch the wall to release his anger.

After that he quickly grabs the hotel phone and call reception;

"Hello, securit-"

"I want you to search for someone who walks out from my room this morning. Find it and sent the footage to me"

"Alp-alpha? Okay Alpha"

Without saying goodbye he abruptly put his call down and head over to his bathroom to get freshen up.

After a quick shower, he exits the bathroom and enters his bedroom with Xiao Zhan's smell still lingering around in the air as it got mixed with his that makes him missed him dearly.

Then his phone buzzed indicate an incoming call from his phone that comes from his assistance in which he picks it up quickly.

"Alpha, I couldn't find anyone with the name of Xiao Zhan but there's a beta that goes by the name of Xiao Sean which left the country 4 hours ago"

"To where?"

"Harrow, Lindo City"

"Fuck! It's 12 hours journey. Fine, clear my schedule. I will fly to Harrow, Lindo City now. Get my private plane ready"

"Sorry Alpha but you can't, not today. Your parents waited for you for hi-tea. They have an important thing to discuss with you today"

"Fuck! Damn it, out of all days. Fine, call my parents I'll meet them in an hour for late lunch"

"Okay Alpha"

The man again tosses his phone on the bed then walk over to his walk-in closet as he comes face to face with a human-size mirror in which he smirks to see a mark on his neck that was placed by his mate.

"Xiao Zhan you sneaky boy of mine, I will never let you get away from me ever again. Not for the second time, not or never, now that I know you're my fated mate. I won't let you go even if I have to chain you up"

Said the man as he places a trace on the bite marks while determined to get back what's his without taking a no for an answer. With that determination, he quickly dresses up casually, head over to his bedroom, grab his phone and open the video that was being sent to him by his hotel security.

He smirks while looking at the CCTV footage which makes his dick slightly hard at the sight of Xiao Zhan leaving the room trying to look proper as he slightly limping with the activity that they both did which affect his body while quickly exit the place.

After watching the video, he walks out from his suit, head over to his car that was parked in front of the hotel at the VVIP parking space and zoomed out from there heading towards his parent's mansion.

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