Who Is Jake

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The moment Xiao Sean turn around to look at Yibo's son he was speechless, luckily at that moment, he was seated or else he might fall down to the ground in shock as he resembles Nova and he is the boy that he couldn't find when he was in Canea.

"Ka-Kai?" stutter Xiao Sean as Kai stand in front of him grinning widely, happy pheromone being release.

"Yes, mama! It's me Kai" said Kai as he introduces himself while smiling brightly.

Xiao Sean who was overcome with emotion, straight away his eyes fill with tears that fall like a river, he was crying but in happiness and relief. Instantly, Xiao Sean pulls Kai to his side then hug him while scent-marking him.

"Hahaha, mama, did you miss me that badly?" asked Kai while giggling.

"Yes baobao, mama misses you tremendously," said Xiao Sean while still tears streaming down.

"Gege, I too miss you dearly," said Nova as she runs over towards them then hug each other.

"I miss you two so much," said Xiao Sean still crying while kissing on top of their heads as he too scent-marking them.

Then in content, he adds; "My babies" struggling to hug them both.

Out of nowhere, Yibo walk over towards them, pull the coffee table closer towards them then he leans forward toward them and group hug them as he releases his own pheromone while scent-marking his family.

"Aww, this is so sweet. Okay, this is our cue, so have fun with your family. We will go back home now. If you need anything, just ring me up okay" said Edan as he smiles at them.

He then picks Natalya up, pulls his wife towards them they walk over to the front door then exit the house as they head to their own house, leaving the family to bond with each other.

Yibo and Xiao Sean smile contently at their own family and at the very time too the twins in Xiao Sean's womb started to play a mini football inside his belly indicate that they too love the group hug.

After their mini-reunion, the family start their afternoon by lazying around, lounging in front of the TV while both Kai and Nova snuggle closely to their mama and papa, enjoying their homey, protective, and rosey scent.

*ding**ding**ding**ding**ding**ding* sound that comes from Xiao Sean's phone that was placed on top of the coffee table.

"Can you grab my phone for me baobao" said Xiao Sean as Nova stand up and pick his phone up before she comes back to her previous place while she hands over the phone to her mama.

Xiao Sean unlocked his phone, as soon as he saw who is it from, he rolls his eyes while slightly exhale out in annoyance before he opens the message and read.

Yibo who was looking at his mate closely, asked; "Who is that?" when Xiao Sean exhale out in annoyance.

"My friend" reply Xiao Sean as he replies to his text.

Jake: Sean, how are you?

Jake: How're the twins?

Jake: Don't forget to deliver the twins to our hospital.

Jake: Can I be their godfather?

Jake: You know how I love you right?

Jake: So let me deliver them!

Sean: Jake, stop being nosy. I'm good, the twins great. Godfather? Hmm, I need to see your performance first before you become their godfather.

Sean: Of course I know you love me. Just like how I love you too.

Sean: We will see okay, cause Vera call dibs first so if you really want then go and talk to her.

After reply the messages, Xiao Sean suddenly have the urge to pee badly. So he tosses the phone to his side before he stands up with the help of Yibo that assist him tenderly.

When Xiao Sean walk over towards the toilet, like a good husband Yibo wanted to follow but he got dismissed by Xiao Sean as he doesn't want to be a burden to him nor does he feel like he is a disabled person that couldn't do things of his own.

Without going with Xiao Sean, Yibo takes his seat back while Nova snuggles closer together with Kai as Yibo eyes were glue to his mate that waddles slowly to the toilet until he safely enters the toilet.

The moment Xiao Sean enter the toilet, his phone dinged a couple of time and out of curiosity Yibo asked Kai to grab Xiao Sean's phone and hand over to him which he obeys.

Without actually unlocked the phone, Yibo slides the notification bar down and saw the reply message from someone who calls Jake.

Jake: That's great! I can't wait to see the twins!

Jake: Not nosy, just genuine care for you, baby Nova and the twins.

Jake: Aww, did my Sean tell me that he loves me too! I'm blush. Anyway, don't forget that I will always love you, no matter what.

Jake: Just so you don't forget, I will always be here for you as I know you will do the same for me.

Jake: Hohoho, I will deliver your twins. I will fight Vera for this. I know you first than her so I have the upper hand here. *evil laugh emoji*

Jake: Anyway, talk to you later. Got surgery to do. Take good care of yourself, baby Nova and the twins. If I have time I'll come over okay.

Jake: Bye *Fly kiss emoji*

Yibo was exhaling fire but knowing that his emotion will influence his kids, he tries his best to keep his anger down as he passes the phone back to Kai who then places it at the same place, the same position.

"Nova baobao, who is Jake?" asked Yibo.

"Oh, uncle Jake. He is mama's best friend" answer Nova truthfully.

"Is he close to mama?"

"Yes papa he is, he often sent mama home and he always gives me toys to play with when I am small and he buys lots of food for me to eat too when I go visit mama at the hospital. He always plays with me and his kind"

Yibo closes his eyes in annoyance, wanting to beat him up and definitely angry at Jake as he got to do things that he, himself couldn't.

"But don't worry papa because mama doesn't love him. Mama often said that mama think of him as a brother and only brother"

"What about the man though, is he think the same?" asked Yibo as he blurted it out without thinking.

"Oh, sorry baobao, I mean Jake will think the same too since mama says so. Am I right my baobao?"

"Yes papa"

At that time, Xiao Sean exit the toilet and walk over towards them, slowly take his seat then find his comfy position before Kai snuggle towards his mama.

"Why are you in there longer than I expected. Are you okay?" asked Yibo as he genuinely worries.

"Oh stop you worrywart, I took a long time in there because I pooped" reply Xiao Sean truthfully without shame. After all, it's a normal thing to do.

"Mama good poop-poop?" asked Nova cutely while leaning forward as she looks at her mama.

"It is baobao, how about you? Did you poop-poop today?" asked Xiao Sean as he smiles sweetly at Nova while Kai too joins them.

"Kai hasn't poop-poop"

"That's because Kai my boy you often poop-poop before bed or early morning after a good night sleep," said Yibo as he too joins the poop-poop conversation.

Xiao Sean smile at his twins who focus back on their cartoon while both adults are smitten by the children.

The whole day Yibo like a miracle worker a super good and attentive butler always there for Xiao Sean, helping pick, pulling, holding, etc, things that he couldn't do or struggle to do while he is heavily pregnant.

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