Par Level

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The very next day, Xiao Sean woke up with a massive headache which he has never encountered before, even he ever did have a headache from lacking sleeping or often burn his midnight oil to stay up and study still there's nothing can compare to the massive headache that he encounters.

Without thinking much, he extends his hand to reach for his phone but due to the severity of the headache that he was having, he passes out in his bedroom while his hands almost touch his phone.

At that time, Nova who was still having her breakfast at Clarion's house suddenly felt restless, as if she couldn't breathe normally.

"Nova dear, you okay?" asked Bella as she looks at Nova who was looking around at the ground as she takes a deep breath.

"Nova? You okay?" asked Eden as he quickly went over to her side while Natalya quickly grabs her utensils away from her.

Nova still didn't utter a word as she still felt like her breathing started to slow down but at the same time she can breathe, it was like she's having a panic attack all of the sudden.

In an instant without any notice, Nova runs over towards Xiao Sean's house, screaming mama, while the rest of Clarion follow suit. Upon reaching Xiao Sean's bedroom, Nova quickly runs inside and get on top of the bed.

She tries to slap her mama a couple of time but Xiao Sean didn't respond at all, he was laying down unmoved and his complex wasn't good. He looks pale and cold which makes Nova cry loudly.

Upon arriving at the room Bella and Eden were in shocked as they looking at crying mess Nova, Eden quickly picks Xiao Sean up, head over to his car while telling the rest of them to stay at home, lock Xiao Sean's door and wait for his call in which Bella obey.

She quickly holds onto Nova, while Natalya tags along silently as the three went back to their house and wait for Eden's call on Xiao Sean's situation while Bella and Natalya trying their hardest to keep Nova calm.

A couple of hours has passed, Bella who couldn't wait any more decided to call her husband but as soon as she unlocked her phone, she received a call from Eden then place the call on speaker.

"You're on loudspeaker. How's Sean?"

"He's okay. The doctor said that due to his hormone changing, his body too change that's why he passed out"

"Thank goodness he's okay, when will he discharge?"

"In an hour or so"

"Okay, thank you, honey"

"Most welcome darling. How're the girls?"

"Both girls fall asleep side-by-side after crying a storm"

"That's cute"

"I'll send you pictures of them"

"You're the best wife ever"

"I know, I'm always am *chuckle*. Come home safely together with our brother, okay, bye"

With that, both hang up their phone and as a promise, Eden got his cute picture of the girls to cuddle each other while sleeping that accompany him as he waits for Xiao Sean to wakes up from his nap.

As predicted almost an hour later, Xiao Sean woke up from his sleep minus the headache.

"The hell" murmur Xiao Sean as he looks at his surrounding which alerted Eden.

"Finally the sleeping beauty woke up," said Eden as he smirks at Xiao Sean.

"What happen?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks at Eden.

"You pass out in your room and get us all scared, mostly Nova"

"My God Nova, is she okay?" asked Xiao Sean as he removes the blanket but stopped by Eden.

"Wait here, I'll get the doctor to discharge you out of here," said Eden as he walks out of the room to call a doctor.

A few minutes later, enter Eden and Jake which immediately Xiao Sean roll his eyes;

"Out of hundreds of doctors in this hospital. Why on Earth did you call this clown?"

"This clown is the one to recognise your sickness first you dufus"

"What sickness Jake, I'm healthy just need some rest"

"You annoying guy, your Omega level has increased 38% and that's a jump of 15% in your system no wonder you pass out. Here your chart, look for yourself and you will find your answer as you're a doctor too" said Jake in a hinted voice directed to Xiao Sean as he hands over the result to him.

"How the fuck you get this done this quickly?" asked Xiao Sean as he looks at Jake in disbelief.

"I got my people. Anyway, your omega level is on par with your beta level which means you are 50% Omega and 50% Beta. That's why you faint" said Jake as he stands next to Xiao Sean who was busy reading the medical report.

"Hmm, thanks for this," said Xiao Sean as he waves the paper at him then continue on reading.

"Whatever, let me check you and you can go home," said Jake as he shakes his head and does a normal check-up.

After finished with the normal routine, Jake walk over to Eden and give him the chart where both of them walk out from the room to check Xiao Sean out.

Meanwhile, Xiao Sean who was inside the room was flabbergasted at the result as his focus was on the detection of Oestrogen in his body which makes him speechless and wary.

Throughout the ride home, Xiao Sean, keep his eyes shut while remaining silent as his mind was focusing and the voice in his head keep on repeating the words 'oestrogen detected' till Eden shake his body to tell him that they have reached home.

"Welcome home Sean," said Bella as she hugs Xiao Sean.

"MAMA!" scream Nova as she started to cry again while run over towards Xiao Sean.

The moment Nova run over towards him, Xiao Sean quickly lower himself down and extend his arms out as Nova runs into his hug and they hug tightly while Xiao Sean whispers nothing but sweet and reassuring words to his daughter who still crying a storm.

After few minutes of coaxing and getting hugs from both Xiao Sean and Natalya, Nova finally calms down as both Natalya and Nova hug each other while seating on Xiao Sean's lap.

"Mama, Nova was scared. You look like a ghost" said Nova while sniffling.

"Sorry baby girl, mama sorry," said Xiao Sean as he still hugs both of them.

"Nova, uncle is okay now, stop crying," said Natalya as she wipes Nova's tears.

"Mama okay Nova, don't worry okay. Next time mama will wake up and call for help when mama needs them okay. Please forgive mama" said Xiao Sean as he looks at Nova who was holding hands with Natalya while another wipe her own cheeks as the other cheek that stain with tears is being wiped by Natalya.

"Ok-okay mama," said Nova as she tries her hardest to stop crying.

In the end, with countless reassurance and coaxing from both Xiao Sean and Natalya, Nova finally stopped crying meanwhile both Eden and Bella, trying their hardest not to laugh at them and pinched the girl's cheek for being so cute towards each other.

But nothing could surpass Bella effort, as she places her phone by the phone stand, and capture the sweet, cute moments of the trio, coaxing, wiping tears and simply going from a chaotic crying scene to a happy smiling scene where Nova finally calm down.

"Don't forget to give me a copy of that video," said Xiao Sean out of nowhere as he still watches the girls but at the same time informing Bella who was busy keeping her phone.

"Damn you saw that" curse Bella lowly but was caught by Eden and Xiao Sean in which both of them laugh at first then accompany by Nova and Natalya who doesn't know anything but join in the laughing moment.

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