The Lady

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Eden carefully helps Xiao Sean to the couch while he is still in pain as he tries his hardest to rubbed his watermelon belly as the twins still playing soccer in the womb.

"Please, calm down" murmur Xiao Sean lowly as he still rubbing onto his stomach.

While he was struggling with the twins, Yibo quickly walk over towards him, kneeling down in front of him and bring his hands over towards Xiao Sean's belly as he said; "Let me help. Only my touch can soothe the twins".

With Xiao Sean's nod of agreeing, Yibo place his warm hands on his mate's watermelon belly, slowly, softly rub circles on top of the belly before he caresses them and it's as if the twins know that their father is the one caressing them, they started to kick at the same spot a couple of times.

As soon as Yibo notices Xiao Sean's facial expression that stated he was in pain from the kicking, he leans forward, near the belly and speaks to the twins;

"Papa want you two to stop kicking as your kick is hurting mama, so baobao inside please, stop kicking and squirming too much".

Like magic, the twins listen and stop their activity as they calm down from their kicking and squirming which give Xiao Sean a major relief because he finally could breathe normally.

After a couple of exhaling and inhaling, Xiao Sean's breathing turns to normal breathing instead of breathing for someone who is in pain earlier on when the twins decided to play soccer in the womb.

"Thanks," said Xiao Sean out of gratitude but still refuse to see his mate's face.

"Your most welcome my love" reply Yibo as he still rubs onto Xiao Sean's watermelon belly while giving out his calm and warm pheromone that wrap his mate's body beautifully.

"It's good to see you two like this," said Eden out of nowhere.

"I told you Lya, mama love papa" whisper Nova as they were drawing in their drawing blocks a few meters away from them.

"Yes, you did Nova they love each other" whisper Natalya back as they two giggles while continue to draw.

"Nova, Natalya, you two want to watch TV and draw?" asked Eden as he kneels down in front of them.

"Yes, shushu/ papa. We want" said Nova and Natalya in unison.

"Okay then, come, let's go to the kitchen area where you two can draw and at the same time watching your cartoon," said Eden as he helps Nova to hold her crayons and Natalya her colour pencils over to the kitchen area.

He then quickly place their art stuff on top of the dining table, on the TV, place the remote next to them before he heads back to the living room seat next to Bella, pretending to be one on the couch there doing nothing just in time to hear Yibo start the first conversation.

"We need to talk love," said Yibo as he still places his hands on Xiao Sean's belly while taking his seat next to him.

"Spill it"

A few minutes have passed, neither both make a move on telling or encourage each other to actually have a proper conversation. The bystanders who were looking at them both felt annoyed and frustrated at their seal lips.

"Let me ask you a question first," said Bella as she couldn't help herself to voice out one question that has been bugging her this entire time.

"Why did you cheat with another woman at the basketball court back then when you two are in a relationship?" asked Bella while Eden nudge her side then give her a thumbs-up gesture.

"Cheat? When? What woman? Basketball court? Where did you get all of this false accusation?" asked Yibo genuinely puzzled as he looks at them both.

"I accidentally saw you being cosy with a girl at the courtyard hugging it out while seating closely," said Xiao Sean as he looks at Yibo unimpressed.

"Did I? Oh, that! I was helping Liam, that woman was paid by Liam's parents to make as if she and Liam sleep together as this will make Liam and Dema's relationship end as they will use the pictures to threaten them both"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"We didn't tell any of you because we scared that once you all know for sure Liam's parents know too as you 3 are being followed and watch"

"Now that I think back, I did feel like I'm being stalked and so does the others" murmur Xiao Sean lowly but caught by Yibo as his pheromone change from calm to anger.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, it's in the past now. Let's forget about that"

"Its never nothing love, everything that concern you, concern me too, if I know it back then, I would have ended their life right there and then"

"Don't say that Yibo, you will regret that"

"Oh I definitely will not, because of them, you and I separated, because of them you run away from me and because of them we both lost Liam and Dema but I thank the heavens as luck and fate was on our side as our beautiful clever daughter found me," said Yibo as he looks at the kitchen area smiling lovingly at the girls.

Out of nowhere, Eden intercepted their moment by saying; "Ermm, I was the one who brings her there, just saying" then continue to keep his mouth shut.

"I would like to say thank you to you two for taking good care of my wife and daughter, always there for them," said Yibo full of gratitude.

"Meh, just a small thing. No worries at all" said Bella coolly.

"Oh, speaking of our daughter, I would love to introduce my son to you. Sorry, I mean our son to you. Will you be okay with that?" asked Yibo slightly excited at the thought of introducing them together.

"Sure, I would love to," said Xiao Sean as he smiles at Yibo.

"Papa!" everyone in the living room could hear a faint sad, scare scream sound coming from the bedroom on the second floor.

"Okay, I'll bring him down since he already up from his nap"

Yibo quickly exits the living room and hurriedly walk up towards the bedroom while Xiao Sean exhales heavily, closing his eyes, trying to face the reality.

"I hope you will not be angry at him Sean. Try to be open-minded over this and accept the little guy"

"He is a lovely boy, I've seen him and I'm not gonna lie, I fall for him right at first sight," said Bella.

"Hmm," said Xiao Sean as he nods his head while all three of them could hear two pairs of footsteps walking towards them.

"Is mama up?"

"Mama is up baobao and he wants to see you"

"Mama want to see me?"

"Yes baobao, mama wants to see you very much"

"I can't wait to see mama! I miss mama!"

"I know baobao, I know"

"MAMA!" screamed the boy as soon as he saw Xiao Sean's back.

With a thumping heartbeat, Xiao Sean braces himself as he turns to look at the child who is happily calling him mama while running towards him.

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