Fated Pair Reunited

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It was almost 9 in the morning, where Xiao Sean slowly yet steadily head down to his kitchen area after waking up from his much-needed sleep, taking his sweet time to freshen himself up and now getting his breakfast for himself.

After cooking some pancakes, bacon and eggs, he cleans himself up then waddle slowly walking over towards his best friend that was seating, laughing out loud while watching some stand-up comedy on the TV in the living room.

"My Lord Bella, your laughter could wake the whole neighbour up," said Xiao Sean sarcastically.

"Don't disturb me, Sean, these two days is the only time I can really let myself go and laugh like a maniac while the girls are out," said Bella as she rolls her eyes at Xiao Sean and 'tsk' at him.

"Whatever madwoman"

"*Sigh* I miss the girls"

"Awww, your hormone is attacking your right now, isn't it. But it's okay Sean, they'll be here in about an hour or so. Eden message me that they'll come back home today"

"I can't wait!" said Xiao Sean as he devours his food.

After finishing his food, Xiao Sean suddenly feel drowsy as sleepiness comes over him while Bella chuckle at him as she said;

"Get some rest mama, I'll wash your plates"

Bella picks his plates up and heads over to the kitchen area while Xiao Sean changes his position slightly while he leans slightly over his right side, the most comfortable place for him and then slowly doze off.

Meanwhile back to Yibo's situation, they all currently on their way to Xiao Sean's house, with a nervous heart Yibo couldn't help but smile proudly and happy as he is eager to meet with his mate.

"Papa, are you excited?" asked Kai as he himself couldn't help but excite.

"Yes baobei, papa is excited to meet with your mama"

"For sure mama feel the same too papa, as mama miss you dearly" blur out Nova as she smiles and giggle cutely.

"We are almost there, Nova, Kai, I want you two to keep your voice down okay because your mama is sleeping," said Eden as he makes a left turn.

"Okay shushu" said both Kai and Nova while Natalya is fast asleep.

"The pregnancy really takes a toll on him and from what I observe this past few months he didn't sleep much at night because the twins wouldn't stay still" add Eden as he takes a quick glance towards Yibo.

"That's because I'm not there for them, as a dominant alpha's mate, the needing of my touch and scent will calm my mate's down and also the babies that he's carrying" explain Yibo as he exhales slowly.

Upon reaching the gated community house, Eden quickly off the car engine, exit the car together with Yibo while Kai who was seated in the middle seat together with Natalya and Nova who is seated at the back row busy unbuckle themselves.

Eden then unbuckles the sleeping Natalya before he picks her up while Nova and Kai couldn't wait any more as they both exit the car through the left side of the door where their father was waiting for them.

After that, the twins quickly head over to the front door hand-in-hand at the same time Bella open the door widely to greet them all. As soon as Nova saw Bella, she quickly tugs his brother's hand indicate that she will run over towards Bella insist on holding onto his brother's hand.

"Ayi, this is Kai, my twin brother," said Nova proudly as she introduces Kai to Bella who smiles lovingly at him while caressing his hair.

"Hi handsome boy Kai, I'm Bella, your ayi"

"Hi Ayi, ermm. Can I see mama?" asked Kai politely.

"Oh sure baby boy, your mama is sleeping in the living room. You two go with Eden shushu, ayi need to have a small talk with your papa" said Bella as she smiles sweetly towards them.

As soon as both Kai and Nova enter the house together with Eden, her sweet smile change 360 degrees to a hateful expression as she looks at Yibo who was standing not far from her.

After a couple of minutes of intense staring from Bella to Yibo she lowly said; "Brace yourself".

In an instant, Yibo knows what comes next as he slightly turns his left cheeks out and likes what he predicted a swing of palm hi five his cheeks that left a reddish mark.

"Are we even now?" asked Yibo totally unaffected by the slap.

"Yes for now, but if you did him wrong again. You will never see any of them and I'm not just saying this out but I'm threatening you right now. As I don't give a fuck, if you are an alpha or no, because no one got to hurt my baby boy and get away from it"

"I know and I'm not here to run away from my problem. I'm here to win my mate back. I need him in my life and I'm not just telling you this but I'm starting my facts"

"Good, now let's go inside"

Bella turns around, enter the house while Yibo follows her from behind after he closes the front door towards the living room where he saw Kai and Nova smiling brightly as their eyes filled with love, admiration and happiness.

While Yibo walks over towards them, all he can see is the back of a sleeping Xiao Sean where he slowly shifts his position a bit and lowly groans in pain as he tries to find another comfy position for him and the twins.

With a beating heart that could be heard by everyone, Yibo slowly walks up to Xiao Sean side as his belly that looks like a watermelon could be seen clearly while the twins actively move around which gives Xiao Zhan a hard time as he lowly groan in pain.

Without thinking much, Yibo kneels down beside the sleeping Xiao Zhan, place his hands over to his watermelon belly to calm his twins down which took a couple of minutes as he rubs circles on top of the belly.

Eventually, the twins stopped their activity and a frown expression that plaster on Xiao Sean beautiful face start to relax as he falls back into a comfortable sleep which makes Yibo smile brightly and emit a comfortable, loving pheromone that wraps Xiao Sean like a blanket.

"Papa, you are the best" whisper Nova lowly not wanting to wake Xiao Sean up.

"Yea papa, you are the best, we did the same thing as you papa but the twins move around more but with you, they stopped," said Kai in a hush whisper voice.

"That's because my baobei, the twins are excited to finally meet their big brother and sister so, that's why they move around. It's like they telling you that they love you two" said Yibo in a whisper towards Kai and Nova.

Bella and Eden who witness everything look at each other, raise their eyebrows before they nod their heads.

"Okay, you lots, get your luggage inside the house. As you two will stay here tonight under our watch" said Bella as she points at herself then at Eden who nods his head that makes Kai break out a big grin while the pair melted at his expression.

Without saying anything, Yibo stands up still looking at his mate who is sleeping peacefully before he walks away from the living room over to the car and proceeds on picking their luggage out from the car bonnet.

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