Chapter 74

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Elise was going stir crazy in her house. She had taken two weeks off from work before her due date to prepare for the new baby just like she'd done with the twins. She did a bunch of cooking so all she had to do was heat up the meals knowing she would be too tired to make them when the baby arrived. They had everything they needed. The nursery was fully stocked. The house was clean. All she did for several days was cook up a storm, separate the meals, and freeze them so they had enough to eat on for a few weeks at least. It had been a life saver last time she had given birth and she figured now would be no different. Now she was tired of cooking and going crazy. She opted to cautiously drive herself to her sister's house to spend some time with her and get out of the house for a little bit.

Remi was more than happy to have the company when Elise arrived. They talked about Harley finally going off to college, Filip's prospectship, the new baby, and other random things as Remi played her game and Elise sat in the recliner with her swollen feet up. They were laughing at something when Tig arrived home for lunch. He was surprised to see Elise there but greeted her warmly. Remi decided to order them a pizza for lunch since her sister was craving it making Tig laugh as he sat down next to his wife. Elise offered to pay for lunch but her sister refused saying she needed to save her money for the new baby. The pair argued making Tig laugh some. Remi finally won the battle making her sister huff and cross her arms over her chest. Tig got up to get the door when their food finally arrived. Elise was starving so she dug right into the pizza when it arrived making her sister laugh this time.

A short time after Tig left to head back to the garage after lunch, Elise started having strange pains in her back. It worried her sister until Elise felt her water break. Her eyes went wide as the realization hit her. It was time to go to the hospital! She told her sister who helped her out of the recliner and into her car. Elise remembered what the Lamaze coach had taught her with her last pregnancy so she tried to breath through the contractions that were coming. Remi drove as fast but as safely as she could to get her sister to the hospital. She parked as close to the entrance as she could before helping her sister walk inside. They checked in and Elise was wheeled upstairs to the maternity ward. Remi called her husband to let him know what was going on so he could let Chibs know as well. After her phone call, she headed upstairs to see about her sister. Elise had already changed into the ugly hospital gown and was getting strapped into a fetal monitor as well as blood pressure cuff.

Tig walked over and let Chibs know what his wife just told him making Chibs' eyes widen. They were about two weeks early. He wiped his hands on a grease rag, slipped out of his work shirt, and slid back into his kutte. He walked into the office and let Gemma know what was going on and that he was taking off to head to the hospital. Gemma told him she'd meet him there shortly. She had Chucky handle the office for her while she was out before walking to her car and heading to the hospital herself. Chibs couldn't wait to meet his little girl even though she decided to make her entrance a little early. Remi was already there and helping her sister through a painful contraction when he entered the room. Elise was glad to see her husband as he walked over and took her unoccupied hand. He thanked Remi for getting his wife to the hospital and staying with her until he could arrive making Remi smile at him. 

She hadn't dilated to where her doctor wanted her to be so he had her walking around the maternity ward to try and speed things up. Chibs wrapped his arm around her waist as he helped her walk. Remi got Gemma up to speed on her sister when the biker Matriarch arrived and noticed the empty room. They chatted about the new baby while her sister was walking around. Chibs hated knowing his wife was in pain each time she doubled over with a contraction. After more than an hour of walking around, they walked back to her room so the doctor could examine her again. Remi and Gemma stepped out into the hallway to allow the doctor to do his exam. When Jax noticed Chibs was gone, he asked Tig about it. The SAA explained that Elise had gone into labor so Chibs went to be with his wife earning a head nod from the Prez.

After work, everyone headed to the hospital to check on Elise and await the newest member of the family. Elise was finally dilating to where her doctor wanted her to be and told her it would be another hour before she could start pushing. She took the epidural that was offered and was very thankful when it kicked in. Chibs fed his wife ice chips to try and help her through labor. When it was finally time for her to push, Chibs grabbed ahold of her hand and did all he could to help her through it. Remi and Gemma had walked to the family room to await the birth. The rest of the guys had finally made it and were just milling about the family room. Chibs encouraged his wife as best as he could as she delivered the baby and before long, they heard her first cry. "You did it, love! Our little girl is finally here!" Chibs stated before kissing Elise's forehead.

She felt the need to push again and told her doctor who moved back into position and told her to keep pushing. It was confusing to Elise as she did as her doctor and nurse instructed her to do. She pushed and pushed moaning out as she did until they heard another baby cry. It shocked both parents since they'd only seen one baby in their sonogram. The nurses cleaned up both babies and wrapped them in the appropriate blankets and caps. They laid the twins on Elise's chest.

"Davina Brielle and Kian Miles. I can't believe we actually had another set of twins! Now we need to go clothes shopping for Kian." Elise sighed as she looked between the infants.

"We can do this, Elise. We did it before. We still have both car seats. I'm sure Gemma and your sisters will have no problem in shopping for our son." Chibs said.

"I know but we really weren't prepared for another set of twins." She sighed again.

"Like I said, we kept most everything from the twins before. We can do this, love. Together." He leaned down and kissed her forehead once.

Knowing her family was probably there already along with his brothers, he took the twins to meet the family. He was happy to have another son even though he was a complete surprise. Seeing Chibs with two babies shocked everyone making him chuckle.

"Meet Davina Brielle and Kian Miles. Yes, he was a surprise. Yes, we're both thrilled about the new addition." Chibs chuckled as everyone gathered around him to check out the infants.

"Cute names for cute babies!" Remi exclaimed.

"Grats, brother!" Jax smiled.

"Thanks." Chibs replied. 

"I'm so happy to have another grandson to take fishing and stuff." Ryu chuckled as the women all cooed over the two infants.

"I'm glad to have another granddaughter to spoil with clothes." Massika exclaimed making Chibs shake his head.

"What do you need for little Kian?" Gemma suddenly asked.

"Clothes. Mostly clothes. I think we have everything else, really." Chibs replied.

"I see a shopping trip in our future!" Remi laughed making everyone else laugh too.

"Me too!" Gemma stated.

"Think he'll prospect for the club when he's old enough?" Jax inquired.

"We'll have to see." Chibs chuckled as the babies began to get a little fussy, "I guess I should get them back to momma. We'll see ya in a little bit."

"Congratulations again, brother! Tell Elise grats, too." Bobby told his brother earning a head nod before Chibs turned to head back to his wife's room.

The nurse was there talking to her about breastfeeding when he returned with the infants. They were both hungry so the nurse helped Elise begin breastfeeding as Chibs stood by and watched. He loved watching the bonding between his wife and their children. Elise just looked down at the two infants in her arms and hoped they had enough energy to take care of twins a second time around. Once the infants had been fed, they were put in a basinet by her bed so she could take care of them throughout the night. Massika called her two sons to let them know their sister had given birth to another set of twins. James was the first to Skype with his sister congratulating her making her smile at him. They talked for a little while before he let her go. Jonathon Skyped a little while later to congratulate his sister. They, too, chatted a little while before he let her go to get some rest. Chibs just remained silent as she talked to her two older brothers before she wanted to try and get some sleep while the infants slept. He kissed her forehead once more and told her he'd be around in the morning to pick them up.


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