Chapter 75

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The newborn twins were a month old and Elise had gotten into a routine like she'd done with her older twins. She put them in daycare once her maternity leave was up so she could go back to work. Filip was working hard at the garage and clubhouse hoping he'd be patched in soon. Jax had for church for an unrelated matter and then decided it was about time to take a vote on whether or not to patch in the prospects. Everyone liked Filip. He'd done a good job while prospecting. He never complained and took their jokes in stride. The other prospect complained a lot and would get visibly upset when he was the brunt of their jokes and teasing. Upon taking the vote on whether to patch in Filip, every single hand went up to Chibs' relief. That was his boy, after all! Jax then put it to a vote on whether to patch in the other prospect. No one thought he was club material.

Jax had Ratboy call for Filip. The younger Telford man was hardly ever in the church unless he was cleaning it. He tentatively walked in and stood by the door wondering what they wanted with him. He couldn't read Jax's expression and everyone else seemed indifferent or upset.

"Filip, you're out of uniform." Jax informed the young man.

Filip's confused face made everyone chuckle.

"Come here." Jax stated making Filip take a few steps toward the President of SAMCRO.

"Take your kutte off." Jax ordered making Filip's heart sink, "Quinn, please."

Quinn got up to get the other kutte out of the cabinet. It didn't have all the patches like the other members but he hadn't earned them yet. All that it had on it was the "Redwood Original" patch on it.

"This is for you." Jax smiled as Quinn handed the kutte over to the stunned young man.

"What... you mean...I made it?" Filip stuttered making the group laugh.

"Aye, son. You've been voted in as a fully patched member. Congratulations!" Chibs told his son.

"This is the greatest day of my life!" Filip stated as he slipped into his new kutte.

"Grats Filip! Welcome to the club. Now let's go celebrate and have a drink!" Jax stated before slamming the gavel down.

Filip was still stunned about it and was floating on cloud nine as he followed the rest of the guys out of the chapel. He wondered about the other prospect as Jax went to go talk to him.

"Dad?" Filip questioned.


"What about the other prospect? Is he gonna be patched in too?" Filip inquired.

"No, son. He won't be. That's what Jax is talking t' him about right now. But don't worry. There are others who are dying t' prospect for the club." Chibs told Filip.

"Oh. Ok." Filip replied as a shot was slid towards him making him look over to his dad.

"It's ok. This is t' celebrate your patching into the club. But don't tell your mother about the drink!" Chibs stated.

The amber liquid burned his throat as he swallowed it making several of his new brothers laugh at his face. Filip couldn't wait to go home and tell his mother he'd finally been patched in. He kept looking down at his new kutte and smiling. The other prospect huffed at what Jax had told him before taking his kutte off and handing it to the blond biker leader and leaving the property. They'd need at least two more prospects which wasn't hard to acquire. They had several guys stated their interest in joining the club so Jax decided to call them up and let them know to prospect positions had opened up. Gemma got Filip on the payroll for the garage where he would be working with his father. Chibs had taught a lot to his son about working on cars and bikes since he was a little boy. The Scotsman hoped his son could handle working at the garage as well as his duties to the club.

Elise was heating up some enchiladas for dinner when Filip followed his father into the house. She was almost surprised to see her son since he had to spend so much time at the clubhouse. Chibs kissed his wife's cheek before grabbing himself a beer. She could tell how excitable her son was and asked him about it.

"Guess what happened today, mom?!" He asked.

"I don't know. Tell me." She smiled.

"I was finally voted in! I'm a fully patched member of the club now! No more grunt work for me!" Filip explained pointing to his new kutte.

"Congratulations, baby!" Elise exclaimed before hugging her son, "Will you set the table for me?"

"How's the twins doing?" Chibs asked his wife.

"Just got them fed and now they're in their little swings in the living room." She replied.

"Ok. I'm gonna go see them before dinner." Chibs told her before leaving the kitchen.

She was incredibly thankful her husband was such an engaged father to the children. While he was playing Peek-a-Boo with the infants and making them laugh, she was finishing up with dinner. She was thankful she'd made enough meals to eat on for such a long while without having to actually cook. She was exhausted from all the midnight feedings and getting up and down all night to tend to the infants. Chibs helped her, of course, but it was still rough. Especially since she'd gone back to work. Once the enchiladas were heated and bubbly, she moved the pan to the dining table and called everyone to dinner. She was making her plate when Chibs finally meandered into the dining room. Filip was excited he'd get to go home every night and have a good homecooked meal each night. He missed his mother's cooking!

Ava had invited her cousin over for dinner that night. She wanted to see how Quinn and Emi would interact with one another in a setting like this. Happy had already drawn up a crow with cherry blossoms like Emi had requested and he wanted to show the pair what he'd come up with. Emi had been told Happy had finished drawing out her tattoo and she was excited to see what he'd come up with. It was her first tattoo and it had a very special meaning to her. She hoped Quinn would like it as well since it symbolized their relationship in his club. Quinn was excited to get to see her twice during the week. They always spent Friday and Saturday nights together. They spent Wednesday evening together. He relished any time he got to spend with her he couldn't wait for the day they could move in together so he could be with her all the time. It was great texting back and forth at night but it wasn't the same as physically seeing one another. 

When the doorbell rang, Ava left the kitchen to answer it. There stood her cousin with a nice bottle of wine and a smile. The two women hugged before Ava took the wine from her cousin and headed back into the kitchen. She poured two glasses of wine for them before asking her cousin how her day was. They were talking about their days when Quinn entered the kitchen to grab himself another beer. He smiled at his girlfriend before giving her a tight hug and kiss to the forehead. Emi blushed at the contact but loved the feeling of his lips on her skin. He left the two women in the kitchen and returned to his spot on the couch. Happy was sitting in his recliner sipping on his beer and watching TV. Emi helped her cousin set the table and bring all the food to the table. Ava called the two men to dinner so both picked up their beers and walked into the dining room. Jagger came out of his room and took his seat at the table.

The conversation was light as they talked about work and various other topics. Emi was excited to see what Happy had drawn up for her making the Killah smirk. He was willing to tattoo her that night if she liked what he'd drawn up and she was up for it. The conversation finally moved towards tattoos and what Happy had drawn up for her. Emi stated she was more than willing to get tattooed that night if Happy was willing to do it for her making Quinn smile widely. She was officially going to be his 'ol lady. Now no one should mess with her! She was his and his alone. Ava got Emi talking about when she was moving into her own apartment and Emi smile saying she had enough saved up and that it was just down to looking at the three complexes to decide where she wanted to move to. Then moving all her furniture from her storage facility to the new apartment. Quinn piped up and said he'd be happy to help her move making Ava add in that she'd help as well. Emi thanked them both for their generosity. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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