Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

 I woke up next morning to the sound of my phone. Dem was coming over in 15 minutes. I had no strength to get up, my head was hurting and I felt sick. My very first hangover.

I was home alone, dad was at work and mom found one a week ago. She was happy at her new work, it was way better than the old one. Plus, she stopped cleaning like a freak.

I went down to kitchen and I didn't know whether I should make myself tea, coffee or just take an aspirin. I eventually decided to make myself some tea.  

Dem entered my house. She, too, looked hangover.

- Hey you! - I said cheerfully, but my head suddnely hurt.

- Talk slowly and quietly. - she said. - And give me that tea. - I gave her a cup. 

I was going through dads laptop just checking out what's new in the world when a single story caught my eye. 

- Dem, seems like you and Harley got caught on the act last night. - I giggled.

- What? - 

- Listen: 'Seems like these guys have all the luck on their side. Not only their album reached top of the charts and their single Down With The Trumpets is in top ten, but they lead pretty eventfull love life. Harley Alexander-Sule (19) was caught last night with a girl, whose name we still do not know.' Look, and ther's a picture of you! How cute! - 

- Yeah, yeah, but look just a little below. 'Jordan Stephens (20) was also found in a teenage heartbreaking position the same night as his friend Harley.' And there's a picture, too! And when exactly were you about to tell me that you two kissed last night!? - there was a picture of Jordan and me hugging on my porch. Gosh, they know where I live. But the thing was, nothing had happened, it just looks like it did. 

- But we hadn't kissed. - I said closing the laptop.

- That's not what it looked like on the picture. -

- Yeah, but it didn't happen because we were again interrupted and this time by Harley. - I said annoyed. - And we were even closer than the last time! - I threw myself on the couch. 

- Hey, but one thing for sure, he definitely, undoubtably likes you! - she sat next to me and hugged me.

- Naah, it was just a moment, how can he possibly like someone like me when he can have anyone  he wants!? - Dem punched me hard. - OUCH! What was that for!? - 

- You're stupid, that's why. -

- I'm just realistic. -

- Oh come on! If he didn't like you would he take care of you as much as he does? Would he always be by your side? Would he ignore constant flirting of girls around? I know you're afraid of everything and I know how much you've been hurt before, but facts are facts, dear. - she said.

- How did you know Harley liked you? - it was the only thing I asked.

- I didn't. I just gave it a shot and now I'm the luckiest girl in universe. Look, you'll never know if you don't try. - I sighed. I was about to say something, but Dem's phone rang. It was Harley, I knew it by her smile.

- Let's go, boys called us to come over to their place. -

- Just let me grab my hoodie and keys. - I ran upstairs to my room.

We went to their house and Harley opened the door. Dem and him started kissing there, I just rolled my eyes and went inside. Jordan was playing a game on his PlayStation.

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