Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Ibiza was magical. We were there for three days and we had fun roaming around town, plus the boys recorded their video for the song Dreamers already, it was fun to watch. 

Today, boys had the gig and we spent the whole day in town. Dem and I were shopping while boys were in the concert room they were about to preform, doing soundchecks and stuff. They weren't starting in another 3 hours so Dem and I decidet to shorten our time wandering round shops.

We headed towards the place boys were preforming and we noticed that people started queing up. Dem and I waited at the entrance for someone to let us in when we noticed a group of girls watching us and talking something in Spanish. I knew Spanish, not fluently, but I knew how to speak it and I understood it. Those girls were talking about us and from their conversation I noticed that they recognized us as boys' girlfriends. The more I listened the more rude their remarks have gotten. They were saying that we were ugly and that each of them would fit better next to the boys than us. They were talking pretty loud, they probably thought we don't understand them.

Lew came and opened the door for us and just as I was about to enter I turned and said to them:

- Muchas gracias por los cumplidos! Es usted muy amable. (Thanks a lot for your compliments! You are very kind.) - I smiled at them kindly, their facial expressions were priceless.

Dem and Lew gave me confusing look and I explained them what happened. Dem was laughing so loud it echoed round the hall. 

The concert started and the place was crowded. I was so proud of the boys, they had a huge fan base by now, they even had a name for them: Kicksters. They were big even outside the UK, it was insane.

After the concert we went back to the hotel. Jordan was exhausted, he threw himself on the bed, groaning.

- You were amazing tonight, babe. - I kissed him.

- Thanks. - he smiled lightly, he was tired. - You know what tomorrow is? - he was grinning cheekily. It was my birthday, hihihi.

- Hmm.. Wednesday? - he laughed.

- A very special Wednesday, yes. - he kissed me.

- I can't wait to see what you've got for me. - 

- You'll love it, I'm sure. - I snuggled closer to him and we fell asleep.

Jordan woke me up next morning jumping on the bed like a little kid singing 'Happy Birthday' song. I threw pillow at him and he collapsed next to me.

- A very happy 18th birthday to my beautiful, lovely, funny, amazing girlfriend. - he was planting kisses all over my face.

- Mmm, thanks love! - 

- How does it feel to be grown up? - 

- Still the same. - I shrugged. - Now, where's my surprise!? - 

- Well, I'm afraid you'll have to wait till tonight. - he winked.

- What? That's not fair! - I frowned.

- And I hope you have something nice to wear, like a dress or something. - he said getting up.

- A dress? Are you taking me somewhere? - 

- You'll see! - he yelled from the bathroom.

I brought one dress with me but if he's taking me some place nice I don't have appropriate shoes. I just hope Dem has brought her beige heels. 

Just as I thought of Dem, her and Harley stormed into the room hugging me and wishing me a happy birthday. Dem bought me a dress, the one that caught my eye the other day when we were shopping, I can't believe this! She was amazing, I hugged her tightly thanking her. The dress was amazing, it was light green and white and I think I just found my outfit for tonight, replacing my navy blue dress I brought with me.

Down at the breakfast the whole crew was waiting for me with a birthday cake, it was so nice of them! So far, this was the best birthday, surrounded with the people I love. Mom and dad called me later telling me I'll get my present when I come home. 

I pulled Dem aside to ask her whether she has brought the heels or not. Guess it was really my day today, she brought them. I asked her about the surprise and she seemed like she didn't knew about it, or she didn't want to tell me which was more likely. I was all excited about tonight and the day was still rather long.

Dem and I went for a walk just to shorten my time. We goofed around the veach that was near our hotel throwing sand at each other and acting like kids. Soon enough, we got hungry and we went to the town to grab something to eat. We were wandering around local shops being weird ourselves. Since it was time to head back to the hotel, we took longer way which I soon regret. When we got back to the hotel I had literally no time to get ready. 

I took a quick shower and I called Dem to help me do my hair since that always takes at least an hour. Once my hair was straightened (that was a long hour) I went to put on my dress and Dem brought me her heels so I put them on.

- How do I look? - I asked her biting my lip.

- Beautiful as always. - she winked.

I went back into bathroom to apply some make up. My hand was shaking so I gave up, letting Dem to finish me off. I heard Jordan yell from outside the bathroom door for me to hurry.

Once Dem finished I stepped outside and went into the hall where he was waiting for me. I saw him and I almost fell on my butt. He looked amazing in his blue shirt and black jeans, plus he even had a decent shoes instead of his usual Air Max. I couldn't stop staring.

- Y-you look so beautiful. - he studdered and I blushed.

- And you look amazing yourself. You're even wearing decent shoes! - he studdered.

- See what you do to me? - he brushed his nose against mine which made me giggle. - So, shall we, miss? -  he straightened up taking me by the hand.

- We shall, mister. - and he led me down the stairs and down the back door that lead into back yard.

- Close your eyes. - he instructed.

- But I'm in heels, I might fall. - 

- I'm here, you won't fall. Now close your eyes. - and I did as he said. He held me from behind and instructing me where to go. After what seemed like minutes we stopped.

- Open up. - he whispered. I did and at the sight of the scene in front of me, I gasped. There was this huge tree with big balls hanging from it (you've watched the Dreamers video, you know what I'm talking about :P) and there was a little table set for two just underneath it and on the table was a CD player. 

- You did this for me? - I turned around to face him.

- Well, you've always wanted to go to the prom so this'll be kind of like your private prom. - he truly is amazing. I hugged him tightly.

After finishing our dinner he asked me whether I'd like to dance with him. He turned the CD player on and Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran started to play. Can this get any more perfect? 

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mine round his neck not breaking the eye contact. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

- I love you. - he whispered sending shivers down my spine.

- I love you too. -  we were kissing and dancing in the moonlight for God knows how long. This was definitely the best birthday ever.



I just want to give a massive shoutout to @KicksterK! Thanks love! :D <33 xxx 

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