Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

My coughing attack woke me up the next morning. I'll probably get sick soon because of my freezing session yesterday. 

I got dressed and got ready for school. As I dragged myself through the door trying not to wake anyone up I went out and the cold wind splashed my face. It was snowing again. I hated winter, I was always cold. 

- Hey you! Wait! - Dem shouted.

- Hurry up, we'll be late. - 

- Like I care. - 

We've arrived on time and, of course, we couldn't pass through the crowd without hearing insults shooting from every direction. I kind of got used to this and Dem, too. Thank God I don't live from other people's oppinion.

The day was passing rather good. Noone was harassed at lunch time, but something was weird about that. Cheerleader girls were laughing and glancing at us every now and then. Something fishy was in the air and I soon found out what.

When it was time to go home I went to my locker to pull my jacet out and when I opened it something splashed me in the face. It was that horrible cafeteria coffee and my jacket was soaked with it. Everyone was laughing.

- Oh, guess you need cleaning? Here you go. - one of the cheerleaders poured cold water over my head. I was so furious now I threw myself on her. Dem managed to pull me away and she started pushing me to the exit. 

- I WILL KILL HER! LET GO OF ME! - I was yelling, but she didn't let go. 

- Calm down! - she said.


- We'll run home. - she said to me.

- Okay. - I wiped away my tears. I took my bag and my soaked jacket and we started running.

I soon ran out of breath. Cold air was peircing through me and I couldn't breathe. I was shaking madly.

- C'mon, we're almost there. - Dem hugged me and nudged me to walk, but I felt as though my feet were stick to the ground. I could see my house, it was close, but it seemed so far away. I walked as fast as I could. Dem held me as tight as she could and we finally reached my front door. She started looking for keys in my bag when I heard someone approching from my right. 

- Hey girls what's up!? - the boys. We  looked at them and their faces went blank when they saw me with my frozen hair. They ran up to us and Jordan took off his jacket and wrapped it around me holding me tight.

- What the hell happened? - Harley asked as we entered the house. I was to cold to say anything. Dem took the blanket and wrapped it around me and I sat on the couch gripping to Jordans jacket and the blanet. Dem brought a hot towel and started massaging my head.

- Well, long story short, this is what we basically go through every day. - she said. I nodded.

- WHAT!? Guess those snobs think they're funny, they weren't that rough when we were in school. - Jordan said.

- They're crossing the line. Have you told on them? - Harley asked.

- What's the use? Headmaster never does anything about this and if we tell on them things would just go worse. - I managed to squeeze the words out. I started feeling warm but I was afraid to take anything off of me.

- Alex, you need to change into dry clothes. - Dem said to me. 

- I don't want to move, I'm warm now. - I said. 

- I know, but you can't leave this wet shirt on you any longer, you can get amonia. - 

- I'll be lucky if I don't get it. - I got up and went upstairs to change and dry my hair. I looked into the mirror, my lips were purple, my face was pale. I washed my face with hot water several times and it felt good.

I went downstairs and I heard Dem explaing them what they do to us every day. She was just telling them about the time when they stole her shoes and she had to walk home in her socks, plus it's been rainig all day so everything was wet.

I went straight to the kitchen  to make myself some tea.

- Hey, you okay? - Jordan crept behind me.

- I'm okay now. - I said smiling. - Want some? - I asked him as I poured myself some tea.

- Yes, please. - he made a puppy face. I smiled and handed him his cup. - Things've changed here since we left. - he said leaning on the kitchen surface and I sat up beside him.

- They haven't changed. They just got worse. - I shrugged.

- Well, you'll be out soon, how old are you? 15? - I hit him in the shoulder.

- I'm 17! - I squealed. - And, yeah, just a year and 4 months and I hope I won't ever have to see those ugly faces from school. I want to succeed like you did and get away from here. I don't know why you even came back. - 

- We missed this place. I wrote most of our songs here, it's where it all started. - he said. 

- I don't think I'll ever miss this place. - I put my mug into the sink since I've finished my tea.

- Trust me, you will. Now let's join those two. - he picked me up and started carrying me to the living room.

- Put me down! - I yelled.

- Oh, okay. - he threw me on the couch. Dem was laughing.

- Idiot! - I threw a pillow at him when he sat next to me.

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