Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

All four of us went to on a ride in the London Eye. It was silly, we were acting like tourists, but nevertheless, we were having fun and my mind was occupied with things so I didn't have to worry about the audition just yet. 

As we reached the top we all gasped at the view before us as if we've seen it for the first time.

- You know what? - Jordan whispered in my ear.

- What? - 

- That's exactly how it feels being with you. On top of the world. - 

- Where did you hear that? - I chuckled at his cuteness.

- Just popped into my head. - he gave me a peck on the cheek. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder just enjoying the view.

Once we got off the Eye, it was time to head towards BRIT School. We walked towards it and chatting about random stuff, but once we got there I froze.

We stood at the entrance and I was unable to move. The building was nice, though, not that I was thinking about the architectural things now.

- Aaaah, the memories! - Harley let out a sigh and him and Jordan smiled. - Hello lovely ladies and welcome to BRIT School. We'll be your guides for the day! - he took Dem's hand and led her up the stairs, Jordan gesturing me to come over.

- C'mon! - he pulled me by the hand. 

They led us through the big hallway covered in pictures of numerous famous people that once were at this very own school. I couldn't help but admire the greatness of the school, the vibe in here was so formal and strict, but on the other hand, you could breathe in the success. Just what I needed. To succeed. 

All the way through boys were explaining things, but my mind chose to ignore it. I tried to concentrate on my choreography, re-running it in my head. I wanted this more than anything in my life, I need to focus. I lifted my head up when a big sign 'AUDITIONS' appeared in front of me. I stopped and gazed at it, pulling Jordan who was holding my hand.

- I guess that's it. - I said, biting my lip.

- Are you okay? -  Dem asked me.

- Yeah, I'm fine. What time is it? - 

- It's half 3. - Harls glanced at his wrist watch.

- Would you guys mind if I take this half an hour for myself? I really need some time alone. - they all nodded.

- Wait, I'll show you the way. - Jordan took my hand and led me through the door. - How are you feeling? - it seemed as though he'd been wanting to ask me this all day.

- I don't know, really. I just know I can't screw this up. - I shrugged. He then stood in front of me and gave me a bear hug.

- You're amazing, you know that. - I smiled lightly as he cupped my face and continued talking. - I'm not going to say things like 'Oh, you're gonna make it, they'll surely let you through' because I can't know for sure, and neither can you. All I'm going to say to you is; you know you've worked your ass off for this and I know you're gonna do your best. Even if they don't let you through you at least know you've tried and you didn't give up on your dream and that's what matters. Now go on and break a leg. - he kissed my forehead and went towards the exit.

- Hey Jord! - I yelled after him and ran over to give him a hug. - Thank you, I love you. - 

- Love you too. - he smiled and kissed me.

I stood in front of the door that led to the audition room and had a mental debate whether to wait a bit more or just to storm in, head high, with full confidence. Okay, that's stupid.

I lurked over when I cracked the door and noticed around 20 people my age so I fully opened the door and walked in. Everyone was fully concentrated, you could see it on their faces. I looked around and observed them for a moment. I was glad noone was checking me out or anything, I mean, the last thing I need is lack of confidence. 

I went to sign in and I got my audition number. I looked around once more and found one empty corner so I seated myself and turned on my IPod replying the song and running through my choreo. There was nothing to do but wait.

I watched as the pile of people decreases, some getting out of the room ecstasic and happy, some sad and dissappointed. Even though the results will be announced tomorrow, some just weren't happy with their preformances. 

I took one earphone out so I could hear them calling my name since my turn would be very soon. My heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty, I was nervous. I didn't let bad thoughts occupy my mind so I mentally encouraged myself with silly phrases like 'You can do this!' and stuff like that. I noticed the girl with a number just before me entered the audition room. I stood up, knowing I'll be in in 10 minutes top. I streched, but it was hard since my knees were shaking badly. I tried to calm myself and even my breathing. I closed my eyes jumping in one place.

'Alexis Green!' I heard a female voice echoing around the room. That's it, my turn. I entered the room with a big smile on my face only to be put before the same judges once more. I'm actually glad there weren't any new people around here.

- Hi Alexis, we meet again. - woman that called my name smiled broadly to me, probably to relax me a bit.

- Hi. - I waved happily at them.

- So what have you prepared for today? - a man asked me.

- Oh, another dance act. -

- Begin when you're ready. - 

I shuffled towards the CD player and put my CD inside it. Just before pressing the play button, I took the minute and just imagined I was dancing for myself. Noone was around, noone watching me, noone judging me. I smiled and stood in the centre of the room after pressing the button.

Music started playing and I started moving. Everything seemed in place and perfect for two and a half minutes.

Once I finished I bowed before the judges and took out my CD. 

- Results will be hanged at the notice board by tomorrow afternoon. - the man said.

- Alright, thank you for your time. - I said happily and started exiting the room.

- Wait, just a moment, Alexis! - I turned around as the woman called me.

- Yes? - 

- I was just wondering, who does your choreography? - she asked me. I was a bit confused.

- I do it myself. - I said.

- Oh, okay, thank you very much! - and then she called out another name so I left the room. 



IT'S BEEN SOOOOO LONG THAT ALL OF YOU PROBABLY HATE ME! xd and I won't say I'm sorry because it's pointless since it's all my fault.

Friendly reminder that there's two more chapters and IT'S DONE! I've never finished a story in my life, this is a big deal to me.


Antonia :) xx

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