Ch 3 - The Hard Path

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


I awoke, bleary eyed and sore headed. I moaned at the throbbing pain. Warm arms enveloped my body and I felt a gentle nudging against me as someone nuzzled my cheek. Their gentle growling reverberated through my body and all pain faded into the background. An easy warmth spread through me. I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time. I opened my eyes and found a pair of green ones staring back at me. With a rush, everything came flooding back to me.

I wasn't safe here...

I recoiled and kicked at Kole, he grunted but didn't budge.

"Get the hell off of me!" I moved to punch him but found my hands were tied to the bed. Seriously? "You tied me up like a dog?" I glared up at him, his intense gaze staring right back at me.

"You're at our clinic. You're safe. You've only been out for a little while." To my immense relief, Kole rose from the bed, giving me some space. I scrambled into a sitting position, taking mental stock. I was still wearing my clothes, dirty as they were. At least they hadn't bathed and changed me while I was unconscious. My boots, jacket, phone and car keys were nowhere to be seen though. I wasn't going to bother asking where they were. These people were holding me against my will, they weren't about to give me access to a phone.

"I don't suppose my car survived?" It would be a miracle if it had, the thing had been half dead already.

"No, you totalled it."

"I totalled it?" Before Kole could retort the door opened and Kara walked in wearing a white medical coat. I guess she hadn't been lying about being a doctor.

"Iona, how're you feeling?" She offered me a tentative smile.

"Pissed off. Untie me." I held my bound wrists out to her.

"That's not my call, I'm afraid." She approached with a torch, looking to Kole. "May I?" Kole nodded and I scowled. Shouldn't Kara be asking me for permission? She shone the torch in my eyes, instructing me to follow her finger as she moved it from side to side. "Any dizziness? Loss of vision?" She asked. I shook my head and winced. "a little pain is normal, I can give you some mild pain relief for that."

"I don't need it."

"Alright. Memory check. Full name?"

"Iona Anne Murphy." I answered.

"Date of birth?"

"None of your damned business." I snapped, earning me half a smile.

"Do you remember why you're here?"

"I wish I didn't." I muttered, staring down at my bindings. It was a handcuff knot. Relatively easy to undo if you knew how. Now wasn't the time though. I realised they had been silent for a moment and I looked up to find both of them watching me expectantly. I sighed. "You're werewolves. You think I'm his mate."

"We know you're his mate. It's alright for you to take time to adjust, we expected you would." She wrote something on my clipboard, probably stating I was fine, just in need of an attitude adjustment. "We x-rayed your elbow while you were unconscious and it isn't broken, just bruised, it'll probably be sore for a few days. If you need anything, press that button there." She nodded at the assistance button next to me before heading for the door.

"I need you to untie me!" I shouted after her retreating form. With Kara gone, I was left to focus my rage back on Kole. "Since when did doctors ask for a man's permission to perform a medical exam on a woman? Did we just regress a hundred years? Do you guys live in a time warp?"

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