Ch 21 - Sacrifice

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


I stared at Siobhan as chaos erupted around us.

"You were never in any danger, I promise." It was a lie I knew she didn't believe. I was the bait. The bait was always in danger but at that moment I didn't care. We ran across the lounge, past the half eaten cake. The knife was lying right there and I scooped it up.

"Just making sure I stay out of danger," I said as Siobhan gave me a suspicious look. I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm not going to kill you, Siobhan."

She looked like she wanted to argue but she didn't have time. Tension grew in the air as The Gulfs drew closer to the pack house. Snarls grew to a deafening pitch and suddenly...they hit. The sound was incredible as war erupted outside.

Siobhan grabbed my arm, dragging me again. "Upstairs. Get to the Alpha's room, you need to - " Her words were cut off as a wolf tumbled through the window with an almighty crash. I stared, open mouthed as shifted teens attacked the enemy wolf, tearing it to pieces. Blood splattered, turning their home-sweet-home into a bloody abattoir.

Suddenly, the room was swarmed. One wolf piled in after another through the open window all with one goal in mind... to kill me. My blood turned to ice in my veins as enemy wolves turned their dark gazes in my direction. I could really die tonight.

We ran, my long legs making short work of the stairs to Kole's bedroom. Snarls told me wolves were hot on our heels. We made it to the top floor but they were gaining fast. Too fast.

Siobhan snatched the knife out of my hand and spun, grabbing one wolf mid-air as it launched at us. She sliced its throat, blood spraying the walls, then dropped it, limp and lifeless on the ground. Another was coming and we had no time to stop. She turned, bloody and glorious and threw the knife to me.

"Get inside." She shoved me towards Kole's bedroom as the enemy wolf advanced slowly. I didn't want to leave her to face that thing alone but she left me no choice. The last thing I saw was her shifting to a magnificent black wolf before I slammed the door shut on the vicious fight.

I should be out there too. It felt wrong to be running away to hide. So wrong I almost planted my feet in protest before I remembered that I was supposed to be trying to escape...that this was just what I needed to get away. Hope bloomed, excitement high in my chest. This was really happening.

This was hell on earth but it was also perfect.

Screams echoed throughout the house. I backed away from the door, the snarls vicious right outside. I couldn't tell Siobhan's from her opponent's and could only hope she was okay. I shook the thought away. She wasn't my responsibility.

My only responsibility was getting myself out of here.

First things first, I had to make sure no Gulf wolves got in...but I had to make sure no Maclay wolves did either. With huge effort I managed to push Kole's giant oak bed up against the door. I had no doubt a wolf would be able to get through, but it would slow them down.

My plan had been half-formed in my mind already, percolating for the last few days, now I had to figure out the rest on the fly. I headed for the closet and grabbed my backpack where it had been stashed since Kole had first given it to me. The only thing missing was my camera. The most precious thing I owned. Leaving it behind hurt but I had no choice.

I stashed the knife in the bag and quickly changed into my hiking gear and boots. Boots wouldn't be great for running in, but they were better than heels. I was pulling the shoe laces tight as I heard a banging on the bedroom door.

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