Ch 7 - My Last Hope

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


By nature I was a terrible sleeper. It could take me hours to get to sleep and when I did, I was often plagued by nightmares. That was on a good night. A night where I wasn't being held hostage by mythical creatures. I'd expected a night of tossing and turning as I tried to work out a plan to get out of here, yet as soon as I'd closed my eyes, my body relaxed in a wave and I fell quickly to sleep. I woke, feeling more relaxed than I had in years.

That lasted for all of ten seconds before I bolted upright, feeling a pair of green eyes fixed on me. Kole was sitting on the bed, watching me as I slept. It took me a moment to realise I was no longer chained up.

"Sleep well?" His raised brows and faint smile told me he knew that had been the best nights sleep of my life.

"I would have slept better if I wasn't chained up like a dog." I rubbed a hand over my wrists even though they didn't hurt. He'd been very careful not to fasten them too tight, which was going to work to my advantage in the future. I ran a mental stock over myself, my head and elbow still twinged a little. I lifted the covers, my clothes were still intact.

"I didn't rape you in your sleep if that's what you're wondering."

"No, you'll wait till I'm fully conscious and in front of an audience to do that, right?" I spat back. Every time he showed me the slightest kindness, visions of what he planned to do to me chased any softness I might feel away. His eyes blazed at me, his jaw clenching.

"Do you think I want to do that?"

"If you don't want to, then don't." I held his gaze, watching him grit his teeth.

"I don't have a choice."

"You always have a choice." I snapped, "They might not be the ones you want but you always have choices. You're just too much of a coward to do what you know is right."

"Saving my family is what is right." He stood, towering over me. I straightened my spine, refusing to be intimidated.

"Sure, as long as it's not you paying the price." I looked him up and down, showing my disgust. "Whatever. Thank you for not fucking me while I slept. You're a real gentleman." A tense silence hung between us as we appraised each other. These probably weren't wise moves on my part. I should be earning his trust, but I knew he was too smart to believe I would suddenly start accepting this insanity. So, for today, I could still let him know what I really thought of him. His stare told me of his distrust, his mouth set in a shrewd line.

"The council were right about you. My parents said to be patient, to give you time...but no, the council were right. You need a firmer hand. To be taught respect." My stomach turned, wondering what that could mean. Kole glowered at me, his face stern, an expression that didn't seem to suit him. "For now, you need to get dressed."

"For what?"

"Breakfast. Your clothes are in the closet," his heated gaze ran over me, telling me he'd wished waking up together for the first time had gone a very different way. I knew he wanted me. I knew using that to my advantage would be a very dangerous game.

Before his thoughts could get the better of him, I got out of bed. In the bathroom I quickly relieved myself and brushed my teeth and hair.

He sat on the bed, waiting for me as I headed for the walk-in closet in search of clothes, scowling when all I found were rows of pretty dresses and prettier shoes. This wasn't going to work.

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