Ch 12 - Smile

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


I was bored. So fucking bored. Apparently, allowing me space away from him yesterday had been a bad idea, from now on, I was glued to the moody Alpha's side.

I lay on the couch in Kole's office, staring up at the ceiling, the pile of books he'd had brought up from the library remained untouched. I wasn't much of a reader, I preferred real life adventures to fictional ones. By that logic I should love this adventure I was on, I supposed if I wasn't about to be forcefully bred in eight days, maybe I would.

I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat at the thought. I had to get out of here before then. I had to. But how? Every moment I wasn't playing verbal tennis with Kole, or Dinah or some other wolf, I was thinking, plotting an escape.

Steal a vehicle?

Climb out a window and make a run for it?

Get my hands on a knife and go Rambo on everyone?

Every single plan I came up with had one giant roadblock in front of it. Aside from not having a clue where this little town was, aside from the five thousand werewolves I had to outrun, aside even from Kole, there was Konnor and Kallum. The two menacing warriors who book-ended my days and nights, stalking my every step.

Kallum might have shown a surprising indifference about the idea of my escaping last night, but that didn't mean he wouldn't do everything he could to stop me. He was an ever present presence outside our door all night. During the day, Konnor was the annoying fly, buzzing around me every moment.

Unless I could get my watchdogs out of the way, any plan I came up with was pointless. So I lay here, examining my options. The simplest one, was kill them. Simple in theory, almost impossible in execution. After watching Konnor fight yesterday I understood now why Kole had placed him as my personal guard. Besides, I didn't actually want to hurt any of these people, despite what they planned to do to me, it felt wrong.

My other options were drug them somehow, then give them the slip while they were out cold. But getting my hands on drugs was going to be nigh on impossible too, unless I lied to Kara about some faux illness and even then, I had no doubt they would hand deliver each dosage themselves. They werent about to hand over a whole bunch of drugs to their majorly pissed off captive.

So, that left option number three: I needed a distraction. How I was going to swing that I didn't know yet. Set something on fire? Konnor would see. Start a fight? Konnor would see.

I tried not to groan in frustration because even if I did manage to get away, what would come next? Unless I had a solid plan I would be caught within minutes. I needed supplies in case I got stuck in the woods for a few days. I needed to know my location, where the nearest civilisation was, and I needed to know where the Gulf pack was because if the Maclay wolves were bad, they would be worse.

I allowed my gaze to wander to Kole where he sat at his desk, hunched over papers, ignoring me. The chain remained about my wrists but hung loose at my side instead of in his iron grip.

I remembered the glimpse of the beast I'd seen yesterday. I tried not to think about that thing coming after me as I made my escape. It made it all seem so impossible because really, it pretty much was. I shook myself. I couldn't think that way. If I did, I'd never get out of here.

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