Ch 28 - Runaway Female

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘



The wind rushed in my ears as I moved almost in silence through the trees.


That was where my mate had headed. To the road that would lead her to the human world in a matter of hours, less if she managed to hitch a ride. All I could hope was that at this time of night there would be no one around and she would be forced to stay on foot.

I had to catch up to her before she found help. I had to. I would have if it weren't for Kallum. He'd bought her the precious time she needed to get ahead of me.

The thought of her getting away had my wolf snarling and I did my best to ease him.

What if she got away? What if we lost her scent? This land was more dangerous than she knew. She could die out here - was she that desperate to get away from everything my pack and I could offer her?

I understood my brothers actions but my wolf growled at the thought of him. He'd taken our mate away from us - he was an enemy to my wolf now. To me, he was just my messed up brother.

Thoughts of his mutilated body, my gamma and beta broken and unconscious, taunted me. Would they make it? No one aside from my family would blame me if Kallum died, what he had done was treason, punishable by death. Another thing I would have to deal with when I got back, if he lived. There would be a trial and the elders would use any excuse to take him out and right now, I couldn't think of a reason why they shouldn't. He'd nearly cost our family everything and Iona... he'd put her in such danger. If one hair on her head was out of place when I found her, I would hold him personally responsible.

My nostrils flared, the scent of my mate on my tongue. We weren't gaining nearly fast enough - how was she keeping this pace? I growled in frustration. I couldn't afford to be distracted right now. My father would hold down the fort at home. My only goal was her. All I could see was her.

It didn't matter about Kallum or Carrick or Marcus or Kara. My family didn't matter, neither did the ceremony because if I didn't get her in time, it would all be gone. She was the key to my life, my existence, my world. And she was fucking running from me.

Spurred on I pounded my paws into the earth, a rumble in my chest as I made it to the tree line. Pausing, I scented the air. My heart leapt as I realised she was still travelling on foot.

We followed her trail northeast and hope lit up in my chest, we would catch up to her soon, she would be exhausted by now. We ran, pushing ourselves harder than we ever had before - where was she? We should have caught up to her miles ago. My mate was strong, fit, but she was still human. For her to stay ahead of us for this long was impossible. Yet it was happening.

We followed her trail for a mile, two and stopped. It ended.

I paced, searching.

No, no, no....

But it was too late. She was gone.

Konnor threw his head back and howled at the sky. In the distance, far behind us where we'd left our pack, we heard an answering call. Our father. He was sending us help. Konnor's call was dangerous. It would let her know where we were, let the Gulfs know too, but we were going to need help.

I continued my sniffing, pacing the road, the tree line. I could smell rubber where her scent disappeared, a faint stench of dead animal with tobacco smoke mixed in. She'd found a ride...which meant she would be at the town within an hour, maybe more depending on how fast they drove.

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