Ch 19 - Power

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


"So? What do you think?" Lucy asked, her hands clasped in front of her as I surveyed the damage. By damage I meant decorations. Somehow, this pint-sized werewolf had managed to get her hands on more bunting than I'd ever seen in my life and hang it from every available surface. It looked like a bachelorette Pinterest board had thrown up all over the pack house. The dining hall had been turned into a dance floor. There were games and food everywhere. The cake I'd asked for had pride of place in the middle of the room. I hadn't asked that it be shaped like a giant penis but I was okay with it.

"It looks great," I nodded, doing my best to look pleased...but not too pleased. Dinah's watchful eye reminded me that I had to play this carefully. Too much enthusiasm would raise suspicion, she would see through it in an instant. "Thank you for putting this together."

"My pleasure, it's so exciting! We've never had a bachelorette party before! Oh look, your guests are arriving!" My guests consisted of every female over the age of 16. I knew almost none of them but I quickly allowed Lucy to make introductions. I did my best to be polite and to not tug on the cocktail dress Kara had insisted I wear. I'd tripped in the heels twice already but I was persevering. For appearances sake.

Tonight was the night. It had to be. I didn't know how exactly I was going to get away yet, but disappearing in the middle of a party seemed just insane enough to work. It was the only time I was going to have my cuffs off. The only time Kole was going to be a far enough away to give me a head start. I just had to let the females get nice and drunk...but how I was going to get rid of Siobhan I didn't know. I was hoping I wouldn't have to hurt her but I had my eye on the cake knife just in case.

After saying 'nice to meet you' for the hundredth time, I excused myself to get a drink. I stepped into the empty kitchen, surveying the mass of beverages.

"Alpha said you weren't permitted to drink alcohol tonight." My shadow said behind me. I looked over my shoulder at Siobhan. Even tonight, during a party, she was wearing her hair in close braids and her clothing was loose and comfortable.

"I know, don't worry. I'm not drinking," I said, running an envious gaze over her outfit. "How did you manage to get out of wearing a dress anyway?"

"This is better for fighting."

"You expecting much action at a fake bachelorette party?" I asked which won me a hint of amusement on her usual stony face.

"You never know, Luna."

There was that damned word again, I winced every time I heard it. "Please don't call me that." Before she could answer, we were joined by a familiar face. The receptionist I recognised from the school.

"Oh, hello Luna! This is a lovely party, I'm so happy you're coming around to being a part of our pack." She grinned wide, her pink dress puffing like candy floss around her. I would never in a million years imagine this slight creature transformed into a giant wolf. I gave her a tight smile, trying not to throw up in my mouth.

"Thank you. It's Kat, right?" I said, picking up an empty glass.

"Yes!" She squealed, seeming excited I'd remembered her name. "Can I get you a drink?"

"I've got it." I waved her off.

"Please, allow me." She snatched the glass out of my hand. "What would you like?"

"Um...water with ice, please."

"Absolutely! You look so pretty tonight. Has Alpha Kole seen you in that dress? I bet he'd lose his mind." She said it like it was a good thing, Kole losing his mind was exactly what we were all afraid of.

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