Ch 8 - Betray Me

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


Unlike being stuck in a jail cell, this time I had access to the sun so I could keep track of the day. I lay on my back, making shapes out of the clouds, watching the sun move across the sky. All the while pretending I was laying in a meadow with the scent of dog roses wafting over me, not laying in the dirt, muzzled and tied up as various werewolves wandered by. They talked as they passed, staring, pointing. I wished I could say it hurt, but I'd grown up being the one that was pointed at. I was old hat at going to my happy place now.

A shadow fell over me and I squinted up, finding Kole standing over me.


I sat up and he crouched, placing a bottle of water next to me. Without a word, he removed the muzzle and held the bottle to my lips. I drank greedily, not knowing when I would get another drink. He pulled the bottle away too soon, replacing the muzzle before I could speak. Not that I was going to. I was back to playing nice and I was done letting my temper get the better of me. I had 11 days left till the ceremony. I couldn't waste anymore of them in jail or chained up.

He left me and I sighed. My back and legs ached with the urge to be up and moving. I wasn't a person that did well being still. My whole life I was an outdoors girl. Climbing trees, swimming in lakes. Getting lost in the woods had never scared me, because it had never happened. Even if I didn't know where I was, the outdoors had always felt like home to me so I could never feel lost in it.

The afternoon ticked by and I got hungrier. As the sun started to fall, he came again and repeated the water bottle routine. Once again, I didn't try to speak, knowing that was the point of the muzzle. Speak when spoken to. Got it.

Night began to draw in and the cold came with it. I waited for him to return, to relent and bring me inside but he never came and the colder I got, the deeper my hatred ran. I shivered in the pink dress, curling into a ball. With no shelter the wind was inescapable.

I fell into a fitful sleep but somewhere in the night raised voices woke me. I squinted an eye open staring into the darkness but I didn't move. Eyes were on me as they had been all day. Eyes belonging to a person I couldn't see but knew had earlier belonged to Konnor and now night had come, Kallum.

"This is insane, Kole. How long are you going to leave her out there for?" Kara's unmistakable voice was unusually harsh as she hissed at her brother. I followed the voice all the way to the top floor where a window was slightly ajar.

"I'm not answerable to you, Kara."

"As my alpha, no. But as the pack doctor you absolutely are. What you're doing is wrong and dangerous and you know it. She's barely eaten in four days, you've chained her up outside, exposed to the elements. She's human, Kole, she isn't as resilient as we are." She sounded angry, frustrated.

"She's safe. She has to learn. We have all been disciplined worse than that."

"That's different," she snapped, "we're family, this is our culture, we understand the rules."

"She was disrespectful. I can't tolerate that." His tone was immovable, a rank arrogance there that made me hate him even more.

"Of course she was! Since she got here she's been kidnapped, knocked unconscious, chained up, jailed, chained up again and starved. Oh and not to mentioned she discovered that fucking werewolves exist and she's being forced to mate with one of them. No shit she's pissed! She wouldn't be a Luna if she took shit lying down." Okay Kara. I hated all of these wolves, but if I had to pick a favourite, right now she was top of the list.

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