Ch 9 - A Treasured Thing

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


As much as I hated to admit it, the pack lands were incredible. The pack house acted as a sort of watchtower, situated at the north point of the town. With the alpha's rooms at the top of the house, it reminded me of a king in his castle, watching over his kingdom.

At the centre of town was a large market, people selling fruits, vegetables, milled flour, handmade crafts of all kinds. I could see the large overhanging sign for The Closet up ahead as we walked in that direction. The town centre seemed to act like a hub, a communal meeting place, with hundreds of houses scattered around the outside for miles in every direction. My means of escape were getting harder by the day...

Konnor followed at my side, my chain in his hand and Dinah chatted as we walked, telling me what each building was for and who owned it.

"This is how your people make their living? From the market and stores? How do you sustain that with no tourism? How do your people buy land?" I was full of questions. Despite my biting need to keep my distance from these people, I couldn't help my curiosity.

"They don't buy it. Each mated pair gets a plot of land of their choosing to build and grow on as they wish. Some inherit it from their parent's." She explained and I stared at her, confused. Kole didn't seem the type to be giving away pieces of land for free.

"They don't pay for the land? Why? Doesn't it belong to your son?"

"Technically yes, his name is on the deed, but the land belongs to all of us." She smiled, "All of our buildings are made from repurposed, sustainable materials. We use solar panelling for power, water wells are dug at various sites. We live off grid as much as possible but we aren't heathens. We have internet, TV, modern medicine. We just try to take from the earth as little as possible."

"You really aren't human, are you?" I muttered and Konnor laughed next to me. "I have another question. How do you pay for education? Kara's a doctor, how did you cover her college fees if your live off grid like this?" I asked and Dinah raised her brows at me. "That was a rude question, huh?"

"A prudent one. You'll be leader soon, you need to understand how we run things." I managed to hold back my retort that like hell was I ever going to be their leader, let her think I was trying to get to know them.

"We have, I guess you could call it, community funding. A little like taxes. Those taxes are used to serve the collective good, fixing the roads, buying medical equipment...paying the college fees for our medical staff is one of those collective goods."

I nodded, wrapping my head around what she was telling me. "People don't get jealous of Kara?"

"No. We need and serve each other. We don't get resentful like that, we aren't human, remember? We're a pack, we work as a unit. Our emotions are more instinctual, less complicated." She said and I was quiet for a moment. Under different circumstances I probably would have liked living here.

As we walked, it hadn't escaped my notice that people were staring from every direction. I scowled back at them.

"They're excited to see you, Luna. Your presence gives them hope for their future."

"It's a shame they don't give us much of a shit about my future." I snapped before I could stop myself. She came to a stop, turning me to face her. She met my gaze, steady and firm.

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