Ch 20 - Bait

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


An hour later, tension was building in my gut. The night was passing by and I was running out of time. The females were nowhere near drunk enough to miss my escape and Siobhan had yet to take her eyes off me. I needed to come up with a plan and I needed one now.

The cake, one without a penis on it, arrived with a flourish and full of candles, the matches in Lucy's hand just as I'd hoped they'd be. I needed those matches. A distraction was pointless if I couldn't escape the pack house. I eyed her, wondering how I was going to get her to put them down.

I don't think any of the females realised that blowing out candles wasn't exactly a tradition at a bachelorette party which was lucky for me. I blew them out to a cacophony of whoops and cheers as if it was my birthday, not that I'd ever had a birthday cake before.

A young girl who had helped carry the cake out offered me a knife to cut it. I was about to take it when an uncomfortable silence fell over the room and the young girl, clearly realising her mistake paused, not sure what to do. Temperamental Luna's that usually wore handcuffs were not supposed to handle big knives, I guess.

"Lucy," I looked at the red-head, proud of my quick thinking, "would you do the honours? It's only right seeing as you did such a wonderful job putting this party together." The room seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. I kept my face clear as she took the knife and put the matches down. A slight of hand later and they were in my pocket. Because of course I was smart enough to choose a dress that had pockets.

Over the next two hours, I was polite but reserved. After a lifetime of near solitude, I was struggling with being swarmed by so many people and yes, swarmed was the right word. Whatever warning Kole had given everyone to keep their distance in the beginning had apparently been rendered null and void by my invitation to a party. Females smothered me, pressing close and touching, just like Allie had done. Hoping my fertility would rub off on them.

Everyone was very excited to celebrate what Kole was going to do to me in eight days time. It sickened me. These people sickened me.

"Luna?" I turned, finding a woman with bright brown eyes looking up at me, "I'm Molly. I hope you don't mind me introducing myself." Molly was small in comparison to the other females and my eyes immediately fell to her rounded belly. I'd heard about this female, the first pregnancy in the pack for a long time. I was surprised her mate had let her out of his sight.

"Hi, Molly," I pasted a smile on my face, "congratulations." I nodded at her belly. "Do you know what you're having yet?"

"No, but I think it will be a boy," she smiled, her voice soft tinkling sound as her hands rested on her stomach. Unlike the others, she kept a distance from me, choosing not to crowd my space.

"Well good luck, I hope you have a happy, healthy baby."

She beamed, her plump cheeks flushing. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." We stared at each other for a moment and I wondered where this conversation was supposed to go next when she suddenly spoke, her voice lower now.

"Luna, I hope I'm not overstepping but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything you're dealing with."

I blinked, surprised by her words.

"I struggled too when I was first brought here. I was happy to have a mate, of course, but I had to leave my family and adjusting took a while for me, so I can't imagine how hard this is for you. If you need anything..." she trailed off and I looked her over. Was she being sincere?

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