Ch 26 - Blood Lust

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ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘

T.W. This chapter contains scenes some readers may find distressing.



My world was full of it.

My nose, my mouth, my fur, it soaked in the pads of my paws.

My latest victim lay dead at my feet and next to me, my father tore out the throat of a Gulf wolf, the blood spattering me.

Our green eyes connected. I saw my father looking back at me and wondered for a moment if he could still see me looking back at him or if I appeared all wolf. There was so little of me left now, but I was still here, clinging on until the day Iona could bring me back.


If Siobhan had followed my orders, my mate would be safe in our room. The centre of the battle seemed like a stupid place to put her but any Gulf wolf would have to fight through every Maclay wolf to get to her. It was the safest place she could be.

Outside, a half mile from the pack house in the open field that surrounded it, battle raged on around me. I could see my pack slowly wearing the Gulfs down. They'd attacked sooner in the night than I'd thought but we'd been ready. We'd caught them off guard with our surprise attack and we had them outnumbered, not by much but enough to give us an advantage.

The ring of females and warriors around the pack house was holding for the most part, only a few Gulfs had got through and Siobhan could dispatch them with ease I had no doubt. My family and the rest of my warriors were scattered across the field.

I turned my nose up to the sky, searching out my opponent by scent.

Alpha Carson.

Where was he?

I'd lain in wait tonight, wondering if our plan would work. If the Tourkes had run along to Alpha Carson and whispered in his ear that I was leaving my mate unattended for the night. I knew it must be them, no one else hated me enough to risk my life. Except Iona. But she would get over that and the Tourkes were tomorrows problem. Tonight, all I could see was the blood.

The fur on my spine rose as I found his scent, bitter and old, but before I could move, a different scent hit me.


She was outside.


Panic rose inside me but before I could set off after her, I heard a yip at my side and watched as Kallum made for the treeline. He would keep her safe. I wanted to follow but my eyes fell on Alpha Carson. I saw him across the fields, heading for the treeline, two wolves flanking him. He was going after my mate.

My wolf snarled in rage and he caught it, his ears pricking. He paused and a glance to the wolves flanking him sent them into the woods alone as he turned to face me. Two wolves. Kallum could take two wolves alone.

I itched to follow after her, but I had to have faith in my brother. He would keep her safe. For now I had to end this.

Carson ran, picking up speed as he grew closer and with a growl I took off. I'd been waiting a long time to be rid of this threat but this wasn't what I wanted, my wolf however, couldn't wait to rip his throat out.

My wolf was younger, stronger, but he had more experience, was far crueller than I and had one advantage I didn't. His wolf was stable, he could let him loose to tear me apart. I had to hold mine back or he would swallow me whole.

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