Now It Starts

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Another day of school. It's March in your senior year of high school, and you're currently sitting in your physics class, taught by Mr Jacobs. He was a nice teacher, and you happened to like physics, so you were happy. 

"Ok, class, to round off our unit on waves, we are going to have a group project!" Mr Jacobs said, to which the class responded with groans. 

You didn't know anyone in the class, so you hoped the partners would be decided randomly, so you wouldn't be the last to pair up. 

Mr Jacobs explained the project in more detail. It was a presentation on a type of wave: what it's used for, its frequency, and other attributes. "Ok, I know you all just want to work with your friends, so I'll let you pick your own partners. Then you can choose one of the waves I've listed on the board." Mr Jacobs gestured to the words on the board, each a type of wave, with space underneath for each group. 

Great, you'd be left out. The rest of the class shuffled around to find their friends and decide which wave they'd like to do their project on. 

You stayed seated, already accepting your fate of being paired last. 

"Uh, excuse me? Y/N?" A voice said above you. 

You looked up, seeing a very tall boy with light brown hair staring down at you, looking quite hesitant. 


"Uh, would you like to be partners for the project?" He asked, his voice laced with embarrassment.

You were surprised. You hadn't really gotten to know this boy. You couldn't even remember his name. He usually sat in the back of the classroom, silently doing his work. The teacher barely even called on him anyways. 

"Sure," you said, trying not to sound disinterested. 

"O-ok. I'm going to go sign up for the wave type. Looks like we're stuck with infrared," he said, walking up to the board. Sure enough, all the other wave types had three group names under them, leaving one space under infrared. 

The tall boy grabbed a red marker and wrote under the last space. "Ran & Y/N" is what it said as he stepped back. 

Huh. So that was his name. Strange. 

Ran moved to the desk next to you, as Mr Jacobs continued explaining the logistics of the project. It was a presentation of five minutes or longer, due in two weeks. He passed out the assignment sheet.

Mr Jacobs glanced at the clock. It was almost time to leave for lunch. "Alright class, it's almost time to leave. Make sure you don't start the project the night before! See you tomorrow!" The class had already started packing up as Mr Jacobs was talking. 

You felt a tap on your shoulder as you were getting up to leave. You whipped your head around, just seeing a black sweatshirt at first. You had to tilt your head up to see Ran's face. 

"Uh...I wanted to ask you for your number? F-for the project," he said, holding his phone out. 

"Oh, uh, sure," you said, taking the phone and putting in your number before handing it back to him. 

"Thanks. I'll, uh, see you tomorrow," Ran said as he quickly walked towards the door. 

"See you," you said after him. 

Just as he walked away, you realized you may not have gotten such a bad partner. 

You walked down the hall and into the lunchroom, seeing your friends, Hayley, Eliza and Cash. You sit down with them at your usual table. 

"Hey Y/N!" said Cash as you sat down next to him. 

"Hi Cash!" you said back, "So what's been up with you?" 

Cash replied, "Oh, you know, the usual. Classes are boring. Anything interesting happening with you?"

"We started a group project in physics. I got paired with the quiet kid."

"Oh, you mean Ran?" said Eliza. She knew almost everyone in your grade, and was your main source of gossip. "He's ok, I guess. Always sits with the Smithins brothers."

You glanced over to where they usually sit. Sure enough, you saw Ran sitting down with Toby Smithins and his younger brother, Tom. 

Toby was also a senior, and he was kinda quiet, just like Ran. Tom, on the other hand, was a junior, very loud, and most people found him annoying. You were surprised that Ran could put up with him. 

You looked back at Eliza, "Yeah, he's not too bad. I'm just glad I didn't get stuck with someone mean." 

Eliza nodded and hummed in agreement. You could see a mischievous look in her eyes. 

"Oh no, what are you plotting?" 

"Oh nothing," she said, turning back to her lunch. 

You made eye contact with Hayley, knowing you couldn't convince Eliza to back off a plan once it was started. You accepted your fate. Cash looked uncertain but continued eating his lunch. 

The rest of the day went by smoothly. You drove home, said hi to your brother, Technoblade, and watched his stream until your mom told you to do homework. 

Overall, just an ordinary day. Nothing strange at all. And certainly not the start of anything big. 

Welcome to my new book! It'll probably be longer than the Wilbur Soot x Reader, so get excited for that! I have a lot planned. 

Also, Tom and Toby's characters are based on Tommy and Tubbo, but aren't streamers. Same deal with Mr Jacobs. The real streamers all exist in this universe as separate but irrelevant people. Only Ran and Techno are actually meant to be representing the streamers; the rest are cameos. Got it? No? Awesome. 

Word count: 943

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