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Doyoung was all ready to go . He was so happy that he even made some delicious food for him and Dongwoo. he was dressed up in his new jeans and shirt that Dongwoo got him for their 2nd anniversary. 

Taeyong pov: 

Taeyong was at his house or rather say mansion , he lives alone there. His parents move to America to live with his older sister's family. he was in his room getting ready to go to company. He like working because his company was so popular and that's all because he did so much hard work to make it possible, also because he got the best employees who work really hard and cooperate in every situation. He always think best for his co. workers.

He reached at the company in 20 to 25 minutes. as soon he enters the receptionist greet him and he did the same. '' sir, you have some guest waiting for you in your office .'' she inform him. ''okay, thank you for informing me.'' he said and get in the elevator to go to his office.

while dealing with the guests Taeyong needed some files to work on them, so he asked jungwoo to bring the files to him.

Doyoung pov: 

In the mean time doyoung was waiting for dongwoo to return home but it was getting late. it's already 5:15 and he didn't arrive yet so doyoung was getting worried. he even tried calling him but his phone was switched off. He then decided to wait a little more.

after waiting for another 30 mins Doyoung suddenly got a phone call from an unknown number at first he got shocked who will call him at this time but somehow he picked up the call. ''hello, who's speaking ?'' doyoung asked as soon he answered the call. '' Good evening , are you perhaps Mr. Kim Doyoung ?''. some girl spoke from the other line.'' yes I am doyoung .'' he said in confusion. '' what is your relation with Mr. dongwoo ? '' . the girl asked . '' he is my husband , can you please tell me fast why are you asking this and where is dongwoo ?'' he asked as he was getting soo much worried. '' okay so I am a nurse at a hospital  and i called you to inform that .........'' doyoung stood up and started getting cold sweat in tension. '' your husband got in a very bad accident and someone took him to the hospital , i don't really know how to say this , we tried our best to save him but I'm sorry he is no longer alive. so please come and collect the dead body from the hospital.''

After hearing those words doyoung placed his hand on his heart, for a second he thought his heart stopped beating. he was felling terrible right now and couldn't digest what he just heard. tears welling up in his eyes and with heavy felling in his stomach he asked. '' which hospital?'' his voice was very shaky and couldn't get proper words from his mouth. that nurse told him the name of the hospital and without wasting a single second he was out of his house .

hey guyss!!!

thank you sooo much for reading this story :)

please vote and comment so let me know how was this chapter and what do you think about this story 

have a great day 

Amna ^^ 

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