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Taeyong came back to the kitchen after getting fresh and now he was siting at the kitchen counter and sweetly looking at Doyoung who was still busy in cooking. Doyoung knew that Taeyong was staring at him because when he look at him their eyes met and he quickly get back to do his work. '' If you keep staring at me like that I won't be able to finish it.'' Doyoung said as  he was getting uncomfortable now. ''I'm sorry , by the way how much time do you need more , I am hungry.'' Taeyong asked the later. '' ohh just wait 5 minutes it's almost done.'' Doyoung replied.

Taeyong can't explain how happy he was at that time , he wants Doyoung to make breakfast for him every morning. this sight was so fascinating that he want to see it every day.

after Doyoung was done he arranged everything on the table and called Taeyong. taeyong came and sat on the chair but soon he saw Doyoung going towards to main door. '' where are you going?'' he asked. '' I am done making soup for you so there is no reason for me to stay here anymore.'' Doyoung replied while looking at Taeyong. '' can you please sit here for a while I have something to talk to you.'' Taeyong said and Doyoung got confused as what Taeyong wanted to talk to him. so he went to near the table and sat on the seat beside Taeyong. but Taeyong didn't talk and he started eating his soup '' hmmhm it's so delicious , I really like it .'' Taeyong comment on the food while eating. '' thanks , but what do you want to talk about?'' Doyoung asked as he was getting more curious. 

'' ummm first of all I want to say that Thank you so much for taking care of me and bringing me home yesterday.'' Taeyong said looking at Doyoung as now he was almost done eating. '' ohh not a big deal, you were alone there so I helped you it's fine.'' Doyoung said as a reply. '' and secondly i wanted to say sorry.'' Taeyong said looking down. Doyoung look at him as he didn't know for what Taeyong was apologizing. '' for what are you saying that ?''  now Doyoung asked. ''for...........ummm for kissing you last night without your permission.'' Taeyong let it out and now Doyoung's heart stopped for a second he actually thought that Taeyong didn't remembered what happened between last night but now that he was talking about it it make doyoung embarrassed. '' uhh it's okay I guess  because you were totally drunk so it's not your fault either.'' Doyoung said as he tried not to look at taeyong. Taeyong was smiling at how innocently Doyoung said that. '' and doyoung one more thing ....'' Taeyong said and came a little more closer to where Doyoung was sitting. '' Doyoung can you please one more time think about my feelings for you.'' Taeyong said while looking straight into Doyoung's eyes. '' Taeyong please I have already talk about this with you and there is nothing more to think about .'' doyoung said and got up from the chair he was siting at. as he was about to turn Taeyong hold his hand and stopped him , he also got up and stand closer to him. '' Doyound , don't you think this the time for you to think about yourself ? I know how hard you are living your life right now and I just want to help you , I want you to know that Your life can be beautiful once again but only if you want. you have to move forward now Doyoung.'' taeyong came more closer and held both of doyoung's hands in his own. '' just leave everything behind which is bothering you and move on. see, you can't start the new chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the previous one. and doyoung I want to be the next part of your life. if you don't leave your past now it will ruin your future and I really don't want that to happen to you. maybe you can achieve something better in the future. I love you Doyoung and I really mean it , you know what my mom said she said if my love for you is really strong and real you will definitely come to me I just have to wait. and Doyoung I did wait for you the the whole one month but you don't understand my happiness is just you now please doyoung please come to me now.'' taeyong said and when finished he realized that Doyoung was crying now he didn't know why but his heart said to do it . Taeyong went closer to doyoung's face and kiss him on the lips with all the feelings he just couldn't explained to Doyoung. 

Doyoung was shocked he felt like he was craving for this from a long time. he felt all the emotions in that kiss which explained Taeyong's love for him. he didn't pulled back because he was getting some answers for his questions which were going inside his head. 

after few seconds Taeyong pulled back and Doyoung immediately turn around and went outside the house . leaving Taeyong once again all alone with his feelings. 

Heyy everyone !!!

so I am working on my new fanfiction so please look forward to that and stay excited :) 

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