Chapter 2 "A Pretty Girl"

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After reading the notice I hear the first bell ring and rush to my first class. I shouldn't be late for my first class in a new school..

I take a seat near the back. I don't want to draw attention towards myself being the new girl and all.. Not that I'm scared of them, but I know, being the new girl, the first thing people will do is judge me. And no one gets to judge me just by looking at me, thank you very much.
I wait for more students to arrive while taking in my surroundings.
After a while, the class is full of noise, whether it's from people talking, sitting or entering.

I notice someone sit on the bench next to me. It's a girl with dark skin, caramel hair and black eyes wearing a shirt and denim capris. She has some make up on. "Hi" I call out to her. She turns.
"hey..." She says, " You seem new here. What's your name?".

"My name's Ava" I reply, with a smile. "Yeah I just got transferred here because of my Dad's job. What's yours?"
"Oh! Well, My name is Katie but you can call me Kate. How are you liking it here so far?" She asks with a smile.
"It's a great place but it is always hard, moving to a new place and all..." I say shrugging.
She nods understandingly. "Well let me know if you ever need some help, you're welcome to sit with me and my friend at lunch if you want." She says in a friendly tone.

"Thanks Kate. I think I'd like tha- .." I'm cut off by the teacher entering the class. "Good morning class" we hear her say.
" I am your English teacher for this semester, let us start with some introductions shall we?"

We all introduce ourselves. I pick up some names like Josh, Emily, Riley, Devin,Samantha, George, Parvati going around, there was also Kate/ Katie, and Sarah from the bus.
I wave to her and she waves back. I see some girls snickering at Sarah. I catch phrases like "are you sure you got the name right?", "Could she look more like a boy? I know right.." .

I glare holes into their head and have to restrain myself from going over to those girls and giving them a lecture on 'girls could look however they want so on". Sadly, I keep quiet since our teacher starts telling us about some group activity we'll be having.

"So class, since this is the first day of the new session I have decided the groups." She says.
A chorus of groans go around the room. She starts listing the names off her list. I get paired with Josh and Parvati.
I sigh. Why couldn't I have gotten paired with Kate or Sarah? At least it might be a good way to make friends I guess..

When it's finally lunch time, I go to the cafeteria and look for a place to sit. I find Sarah waving me over. Like promised, she calls me to sit with her and introduces me to her friend. I go closer just to see it's Kate. I laugh out loud at that. Small world.

"Hi Kate, Hi Sarah!" I say grinning.
"Hi" Kate replies with a smile.
"Wait.. you know each other?" Sarah asks confused.
I laugh. "We sat next to each other in homeroom so..." ,
"so, introductions took place, found each other nice blah blah blah..." Kate finished for me.
"No fair! I wanted to introduce you guys to each other" Sarah pouted. I laugh and Kate rolls her eyes as if she was used to such antics.
"Well too bad" Katie says mockingly. I laugh harder.

We sit down and eat our lunch. We talk about random things while a couple more people fill around the table with occasional 'hi's' and 'hey's' to Kate and seldom to Sarah as well.
I find out Sarah loves skateboarding, and Kate loves fashion.
"She always beats me at COD too! It's not fair how well she plays video games" Sarah says glaring at Kate.
Kate has a smug expression on her face. "What can I say" she says doing a hair flip.

I look between the two bickering. I'm so glad I've made friends who don't care about them liking supposed 'boy things'.

We keep talking amongst ourselves till bell rings. We quickly compare our timetables and find out we have a few classes together. We bid good byes, and Sarah and I go to our next class.

I meet some cool people and even pass few people staring, but that's all normal for the new girl isn't it..

On reaching home, I say a quick hello to Lucas who was playing with his action hero figurines.
"Mom! Guess what?" I ask, in the most excited way possible. "What?"she asks smiling.
"This school has a girls soccer team too! And it has tryouts on Monday!" I say grinning.
Her expression immediately becomes guarded. "You want to try out for soccer....." she starts hesitantly.
"Yes!" I reply instantly. I had a feeling she would react this way but now even the slightest hope of something different slips away.
"Why don't you tryout for cheerleading instead? It'll be loads of fun. I pretty sure if you called Zia she would agree."
I raise my eyebrows. I knew for a fact that Zia did't enjoy cheerleading at all. Let's just she's had bad experience with it, consisting of a mascot and a ketchup sachet. Long story, don't ask.

Wait, so she really thinks I'd like cheerleading more than soccer? That's insane! I think cheerleading is great, but it's just not for me.
"What! No way! I love soccer! Why for once can't you support me?! " I ask throwing my arms up in frustration.
She looks at me with disappointment.
"We will have the rest of this discussion with your Dad. I am sure he'll agree with me." She says.

Of course he'll agree with mom. Both of them don't like me playing soccer. Apparently, it's too rowdy for a girl like me to play soccer and quote " A pretty girl like you should focus on being polite and respectful."

Yeah right, as if that's going to stop me.

—Time skip —

Dad reaches home and as I expected, Dad is against my decision of joining the soccer team too. "Your mother is right, you should go into cheerleading. After all, you are such a pretty girl."

There is no way I will be joining cheerleading just because I am a 'pretty girl'. I'll find a way to get into that team....just wait and watch..

So guys, the chapter is finally up.. please let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to click that little star on top.

( Also, just to be clear I don't like the word 'tomboy' because it means acting like a boy..each boy has different characteristics so how do I know which boy you are comparing me too. Just because I like certain so-called " boy activities" I won't be compared to anyone. I am my own self. )

*does an awkward twirl trying to seem elegant but falls down...hard*

Stay tuned!

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