Chapter 10

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Mean It


"Exams are finally over!"

Jungkook and Jaehyun bumped each other purposely as we stepped out into the hallway packed with boisterous students. Everyone's relieved and exuberant now that the stressful exam week is over. I can finally invigorate my body by sleeping, and maybe I could even start baking after.

"I'll play video games once I get home. Who wants to come with me?" Jungkook turned towards us as he walked backwards with his hands inside his pockets.

"No one." Minghao said, which earned him a glare from Jungkook. Jungkook faced forward, fishing one of his hands out to bump his fist with Hongseok, a member of the basketball team.

"I'm up for it." Seokmin said.

"Me too." Eunwoo spoke as he yawned. Yugyeom jokingly covered his nose, which made me burst into laughter.

"Me three." Mingyu giggled, somehow finding himself amusing.

"What about you, Chaeyoung?" I looked over at Bambam when he draped his right arm around my shoulders, his other arm draped around Eunwoo's. I noticed a colorful bracelet wrapped around his right wrist, but I didn't give much thought to it.

Ignoring the stupid grin on his face, I replied.

"Pass. I'll bake today." I shifted my gaze to Jaehyun who's just quietly listening to us. Something's off with him and it's bothering me and that's why I'm going to finally ask him later.

"Don't forget to give us some, okay?" Seokmin reminded me.

"I'll have to pass too, then." Mingyu uttered all of a sudden, making us look over at him.

"Why?" Jungkook whined like an annoying child, slapping Mingyu's arm.

"I'll help Chaeyoung instead. Baking sounds fun." When he stole a glance at me, I didn't fail to notice the uneasiness he's trying to conceal.

"Why are you nervous?"

He immediately frowned. "I'm not."


He must be planning on pulling a prank on me.

"Hyung, do you want to come with us? We'll play some video games at my house." Jungkook called Youngho who was chatting with Chungha. Suh Youngho is a social butterfly who's friends with nearly all the students. There are some students, though, who dislike him because they think he's an attention seeker.

Youngho bid goodbye to her before turning to us, his eyes settling on Jaehyun. "Are you coming?"

Jaehyun's the closest one to him among all of us. Jungkook's just acting like they're close because he apparently considers any of our friends outside our circle his friends. Except for girls, though.

"No." Jaehyun shook his head lightly. In the end, Youngho still agreed to come with them. Bambam and Yugyeom have plans with some of the members of their club, so they took the opposite way.

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