Chapter 17

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"Have you heard the news?"

Seokmin inquired before shoving a piece of teriyaki in his mouth. I picked up a piece from Jaehyun's tray and put it in my mouth before he could even stop me. I started to chomp it while he gazed back at me, an unimpressed look on his face.

"What news?" Chaeyoung asked. My eyes lingered on her for a while, watching her lean forward to the table, anticipating Seokmin's reply.

"A tenth grader made a public confession in the middle of the running track. He was holding a flower, and his classmates were surrounding them with a balloon in their hands." Seokmin described in detail before briefly turning to Eunwoo, who was silently having his doenjang-jjigae.

"Quite similar, huh?" Barks of laughter emerged from Bambam and Yugyeom's mouths while Jaehyun and Jungkook shook their heads with a small smile on their faces. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung and Minghao were just looking at Seokmin, both don't have a clue as to what he is talking about.

"Shut up." Eunwoo rolled his eyes.

"What happened, then?" Chaeyoung asked.

"He got rejected in front of many people." Seokmin casually replied. "That's why I believe it's better to confess in private. No pressure to the one being confessed to, and no shame to the one confessing if ever they get rejected."

"Do you think so, Chaeyoung?" Jaehyun asked.


"Someone confessed to you in private—" Chaeyoung and I shared a look before she quickly cut him off as I couldn't help but cough.

"No one did." She said. Jaehyun's eyes darted to me, and I chugged my bottled water as I tore my gaze from him.

He doesn't know, does he?

"It was an example. Why do you seem disturbed?" He asked, arching a brow. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and ignored him instead to prevent further inspection from Jaehyun.

We were done several minutes later, so we got up and exited the canteen, except Yugyeom and Bambam who stayed inside with some of the members from their club.

"I'll head off to the library first." Minghao told us before walking away.

"Will you go to the music room?" Eunwoo asked her while she was fanning herself with her handkerchief. It was quite windy, but the rays of sunlight were bright and searing, hence why most students have their coats off.

"Maybe after dismissal."

I walked away in silence, hanging my coat over my left arm and putting my right hand in the pocket of my pants.

Soon after, I found myself on the farthest left side of the building, quietly watching the students below with my mind preoccupied that I wouldn't notice the person standing beside me if she didn't speak.

"Mingyu.." Her soft tone made me snap my head towards her. I straightened my stance, slowly turning to face her and give her my whole attention.

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