Chapter 18

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"Roses are red, violets are blue
What did you do
To make me fall in love with you?
Your voice is sweet as honey
Your lips taste like cherry.
Roses are red, violets are blue
How did you make me
Crazy about you?"

Yugyeom's poet elicited several teasing comments from our classmates. He wore a smug smile on his lips as he sauntered back to his desk.

"May I know who's your inspiration behind your poem?" Miss Chae asked, a teasing smile on her lips.

"It's Jung—" Seokmin tried to intervene but was immediately cut off by Yugyeom.

"No one, Miss. The drama I've been watching lately was my inspiration." Suspicion flashed across her face as her eyes scanned everyone of us.

"I read all of your works earlier, and I came up with two conclusions. It's either most of you are in love or inspired by fictions. Which of the two is right?" She asked, but no one dared to respond.

"Don't be shy. It's a completely normal thing. I've experienced that when I was your age. However, you have to know that it might not be always love. It might just be infatuation. We sometimes tend to confuse attraction with love, so we have to be careful when making such decisions."

"Miss, what's the difference between love and infatuation?" Dahyun asked a bit too loudly despite sitting in the first row.

"Good question. I believe that infatuation is a strong attraction to someone you just met or know little about. It's like you think that they're the most perfect person in the world without even fully knowing them. Love, on the other hand, requires knowing someone fully and loving them despite their flaws. It is about knowing that they're imperfect but still accepting them for who they are."

Miss Chae smiled at us. "Let us proceed. Who wants to go next?" No one raised their hand except for Mingyu who's now making his way to the front with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Uh, the title of my poem is Impact." He trailed off, his expression somewhat diffident. I crossed my arms and pursed my lips, suppressing a laugh.

"Love, love, love...
Such a powerful weapon
To make a person yield
And offer his everything.
Love, love, love...
Such a beautiful thing
That makes you want to dive in
Despite not knowing where it's heading.
Love, love, love...
Its impact makes you drown
Breaks every single shield
To take hold of your everything."

His earnest gaze lifted towards a direction as claps filled the entire classroom. I couldn't help but quirk my lips in amusement as I watched him remain standing in front.

"Do you, perhaps, want to dedicate your poem to a special someone?" Miss Chae asked teasingly. The corner of his lips turned upward while a few of our classmates started mentioning various names.

"She knows who she is." He stated, causing me and the guys to share a surprised look. From the corner of my left eye, I saw Eunwoo leaning in towards me so I leaned sideways to hear what he's going to say.

"Turns out I'm not the only one who was keeping a secret."

Jungkook also volunteered to go next, much to my surprise.

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